The landscape of the hunting industry is arguably one of the most extensive fields that have been greatly influenced by modern technology, starting with the advancement of cameras. 

Explore these tips on how to set up a hunting camera and why you would better use a handheld thermal imager when hunting.

Choose a good camera

Whether you are new or a pro, there is no doubt that trail cameras are one of the greatest innovations in hunting. From winter to summer, these cameras can withstand any conditions Mother  Nature throws their way.

Many hunters don’t understand the intricate details of a trail camera. Companies thus lure them into purchasing standard cameras that are not really up to par.

To ensure you get value for your money, there are some crucial things that you should note. Firstly, pay attention to speed, as it is vital for a trail camera to be termed good. Additionally, look for cameras that have an SD card port. Finally, choose a camera that has both high megapixels and native resolution.

Camera placement

Where you place your trail camera will dramatically influence the quality of your photos. Depending on your animal of interest, you may hunt in public or private fields, in the open air, or at discretion.

For instance, if you’re hunting deer, place the camera above ground level to a high elbow position to ensure clarity in your photos. Moreover, try to hide it well to prevent the animals from getting frightened and running away. 

It is also wise to set up your camera on the most frequent trails. If you are looking for a mature buck, setting up the camera on discreet trails along ridges or on natural corridors would be ideal. Generally speaking, monitor game activity and place your camera near busy and commonly-frequented areas.

Why you should use a handheld thermal imager

Ability to detect wildlife

These apparatus come in handy as they can detect an animal during the day, at night, and in all weather conditions. For instance, if you are hunting at night, a handheld thermal imager will enable you to spot an animal as soon as it appears. They are also effective in woody areas making it easy for hunters to look for deer, coyotes or hogs without spooking them. 

Enhanced safety

A thermal imager helps detect animals at long distances. This makes it attractive to shooters as they can efficiently spot an animal from afar. Moreover, by using it, they can differentiate which kind of animal it is and the subsequent action they want to take.

These tools are safer to use when surveilling predators. Since they are not attached to guns, it becomes easy to scan hunting grounds without the risk of having tragic run-ins with other hunters.