Creating a steady income from your side hustle is a great way to set yourself up for starting a fully-fledged business. Even if your side hustle is micro, ensuring you treat it like a business will help you to be successful at a later date and is a great way to become established much faster. It can be hard sometimes to determine whether pushing your side hustle is worth it, but in truth, your side hustle is just a business that hasn’t got the attention it deserves yet. 

If your side hustle brings in more than £1000 a year, then you need to register with HMRC, so it would already be classified as a business. So if this is you, why not push it that bit extra and make it into a proper business? In this article, we will go through how to brand your side hustle in 2023.  

Define your purpose

Defining your purpose is a key part of forming your brand. Ask yourself why you started the business and how you made your first sale. It could be as simple as you wanting to earn extra money and deciding to use your skills to do that. It could also be that a friend mentioned a need for a product, and you wanted to serve that before any other business did. 

Alternatively, you could have had a bad experience with a product or service and you want to provide a better version. There are many purposes, you just need to define yours. Defining your value is critical to your success, so figure out what you do well and go from there. Speaking to a branding agency Machester based can ensure that your brand identity matches your audience. 

Design quality business cards

Many say that business cards are dead, we couldn’t disagree more. The issue with everything being digital is the fact that you can easily be forgotten about. Offering business cards to prospective clients ensures that you are at the forefront of someone’s mind when they need your product or service as most businesses have a collection of them to hand. 

A business card can be passed from person to person, reach new audiences and help drive traffic to your website. Tangible cards are better than a social media connection. 

Create a logo

Having a logo is an important part of your business, and is what is going to make you recognisable. If someone hears about your product or service from a family member or friend, this is how they are going to distinguish you from other brands. 

Polish your brand

The visual aspect of your business is extremely important, and getting it right the first time is also important. If you have to rebrand due to poor design, it can hinder your progress. Speaking to a design agency Sheffield will be able to help you polish up your branding and make it uniform. By doing this, you will have a consistent brand visual, communication and values which all make the business look professional. By combining all of your visuals and guidelines together, you can ensure your brand will resonate with all your target audience.