Users can opt-in for timely updates from your website via push notifications, and you can effectively re-engage them with personalized, and interesting content. 

Today, we will show you how to use WordPress push notifications to increase sales, engagement, and revenue.

Because of the ever-increasing number of emails, your messages may go unnoticed or even land up in spam folders, but push notifications are delivered immediately in front of your eyes, in real-time and thus can not go unnoticed.

Are you ready to know how you can increase sales, user engagement, and revenue?

Let’s get started.

But before going straight to the ways of using WordPress push notifications effectively, we will cast a light on what push notifications are.

What Are Push Notifications

Push notifications, as the name indicates, are similar to the messages that a website sends to the user’s browser. Many apps are using push notifications concepts to increase user engagement these days.

Not only WooCommerce push notifications are used to engage potential customers, but they may also be used to inform about newly launched products and send reminders to your customers.

Now let’s discuss how you can use these notifications to keep users engaged, and bring sales to your business.

Effective Ways Of Using WordPress Push Notifications To Engage Users, Bring Sales & Drive Revenue

Below are some ingenious methods of using Woocommerce push notifications to get a lot of benefits:

1. Permission Requests Should Not Hinders Users

If customers deactivate your alerts, your push notifications technique will be useless. Users that are new to your website are more interested in learning about it. It may not be the best time to ask for permission if the user is using your website for the first time.

Permission requests are vital because they foster user trust. You must send permission requests, but they must be sent at the appropriate time. 

After the user has visited your website, you should ask for permission to deliver notifications. If the user does not know your website, they will disable all permissions.

So be careful about when you ask for permission. Once the users feel they can believe your website is beneficial to them, they will be willing to receive push notifications from you.

2. Use Push Notifications Extremely Carefully

Push notifications must be used wisely. Constantly delivering notifications will irritate users, especially if they are irrelevant or unimportant. Do not spam users with WordPress push notifications if you wish to deliver value through your messaging.

Sending push notifications solely for the sake of sending them is not a good idea. These notifications should serve the purpose of informing users and prompting them to take action.

Users will be forced to disable notifications if they are sent in vain. Send them notifications only if you have useful information to provide or to update users on.

3. Make Use Of Location-Based Push Notifications

WooCommerce push notifications sent to users depending on their location can increase conversions. This can provide users with vital information about upcoming events, retailers, restaurants, and other locations.

Users value this sort of information. This is a fantastic way to customize your push notifications. 

4. Include Rich Push Notifications

Any visual element is appealing to users and can readily capture their attention. Images and graphics are more appealing to people than texts.

Rich push notifications are a powerful tool for connecting with and engaging your users. Rich push notifications are what they sound like.

They are a sort of notice that has a media attachment. You can include emojis, photos, videos, gifs, and other interactive components in push notifications.

Do you know why we are saying to include this?

Because rich notifications can make users happy, engaged, and interested. 

5. Performance Analysis

To perfect any strategy, A/B testing is essential. Do not forget to test push notifications as part of your website design. CTAs, messaging, fonts, colors, and other elements should all be put to test.

Testing is always a good way to find out what your target audience prefers. It can assist you in creating push notifications that yield the best result and increase CTR.

6. Notification Of Price Changes

Users will only accept the best deal if they are satisfied with their offer selection. Before making a purchase, the average user compares several fashion websites.

How do you inform interested users when the price of products they want to buy drops?

And, regardless of where you are, how will you inform your viewers about the price reduction?

Waiting for an email to be read in digital media is a bad idea. We recommend that you consider options that are easily accessible and that you can rely on to reach the right audience.

7. Personalize Your Push Notifications

Your users should find your push notifications relevant and valuable. According to a recent study, 52% of users look for relevant information and offers. Users should be able to get useful information they need from push notifications.

You can target the right users with personalized notifications. The user’s journey can be used to personalize a push notification. When these notifications are sent to users, using their names is a good way to grab their attention.

Keeping them informed about specific updates or features that they use frequently can encourage them to interact with the notification. When creating these notifications, remember to take their demographics, interests, hobbies, challenges, and so on.

Customized content can be an effective way to persuade users to take specific actions. Conversions can be boosted by personalizing your push notifications. It also improves user retention by providing a positive user experience.

8. Reward Your Most Reliable Customers

Sending WordPress push notifications to website subscribers is unquestionably important, but the right timing, relevance, and personalization are also crucial.

As a result, sending push notifications at the right time will help you to increase sales and personalize messages for users, leading to an increase in conversions. Additionally, sending web push notifications on holidays or birthdays is a good idea. 

In addition to all of this, you should occasionally reward your loyal customers with the best price deals, the most up-to-date product information, gift vouchers, and coupon codes.

Concluding Notes

This is all about Woocommerce push notifications that we want to talk about in this blog. Just follow the above-mentioned ways via which you can increase sales, engagement, and revenue. To get Woocommerce push notifications instantly, get started using WonderPush. Because WonderPush offers you various push notifications that meet your requirements.