Ecommerce is a booming industry and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. As ecommerce trends evolve, we can expect to see changes in what consumers want from their shopping experience. This blog post will cover the top 10 eCommerce trends that you should be aware of when designing your next website or launching your next campaign.

What Are eCommerce Trends?

Ecommerce trends are changes in consumer behaviour and expectations that come about due to advancements in technology. These ecommerce trends can also be affected by external factors such as government regulations, cultural shifts or advances made by other industries (e.g., the automotive industry).

Top Ecommerce Trends for 2021:


The first trend we’re seeing is personalization. Consumers want to feel like they matter when shopping online, so companies are investing heavily into ways to better understand their customers’ wants and needs through things like artificial intelligence (AI) solutions and data mining techniques. A new level of personalization will emerge where consumers expect brands to know them individually after just one visit — not just from site-to-site or campaign to campaign.

Ecommerce Trends Go Green

Ecommerce is good for the environment, but it can be made better. So much so that 70% of consumers are willing to pay more money for sustainable products. Online retailers have an opportunity here to take their green efforts beyond recycling and solar-powered shipping centres — which only a few companies currently do – and get creative with how they sell things like organic cotton clothing or use recycled materials in packaging.

Role of Social Media in ecommerce

The position of social media cannot be ignored when discussing ecommerce trends. Social networks continue to offer new ways for retailers and brands to engage directly with customers, connect on a more intimate level and share ideas about where the industry should go next (and what’s not working). Brands will need to find new ways — such as live video and live streaming — to grow their social media followings and make the most of those they already have.

Rise of Voice Commerce

Voice-activated digital assistants are quickly becoming mainstream, and voice commerce is another ecommerce trend to watch. Voice shopping will be prominent in the future, but not without growing pains. Customers need a simple way to find an item they’re interested in buying on Amazon or Google Express, then determine how much it costs.

Chatbots are Here to Stay

Chatbots are also a fast-growing ecommerce trend to watch. Customers can use Facebook’s Messenger, Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa to communicate with brands through chat windows rather than by phone or email.

Role of AI in eCommerce

A few years ago, the idea of ai and ecommerce was like science fiction. Today, it’s becoming a reality as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow, with more companies using chatbots powered by AI.

Artificial intelligence in ecommerce is seen in areas such as personalization, recommendations and search.

Subscription eCommerce

According to an expert study, about 70% of shoppers said they would buy items in subscription boxes more often if the products come from brands and retailers.

Subscription ecommerce is another fast-growing trend that looks set to stay. Brands such as Birchbox have been offering beauty samples every month for years now, but this model has recently been copied by bigger players like Amazon with its Subscribe & Save program.

In 2021, many companies will offer their subscription shopping services through an online store or app.

Mobile Shopping is Growing

Mobile phones have become the primary device for internet access. A recent study by Pew Research Center showed that 62% of Americans now own smartphones, and the number continues to rise every year.

In 2021, we will see many companies offering their products through an online store or app to make it easy for customers with mobile phones to pay using Apple Pay or Google Wallet.

The shopping experience on these channels is expected to be much smoother, thanks in part to chatbots taking over all sorts of tasks from customer support agents.

Omnichannel Shopping

In 2021, customers will have more ways to shop than ever before.

People can buy from their favourite brands through a website or app on the phone and pick up products they bought in-store at another location of that brand later during the day.

This is called omnichannel shopping. A famous example here would be Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods Market, where people could order groceries online and make same-day deliveries by visiting one of their stores near them (Whole Foods).

Many companies are currently offering this service, like The North Face, which makes it possible for customers to return items purchased online to an actual store nearby if needed. Other examples include Nordstrom, Best Buy, Nike etc.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a Game-Changer

In the future, customers will be able to shop for items in augmented reality while they’re still at home. Brands like Target have already begun experimenting with AR apps that allow shoppers to place virtual furniture in their homes before purchasing online. In other words, it’s no longer just about seeing an image of something you want on your computer screen — now you can view products from all angles via virtual try-on AR technology!


With the rapid evolution of technology and new methods for digital marketing, it’s hard to keep up with all of the changes. Luckily, we are an ecommerce website design & development company with a team of experts on board to help you figure out how your business should evolve to stay competitive. Contact us today at Cloudify if you want assistance knowing what trends will be necessary by 2021 or need any other eCommerce development services.

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