Your cat is pregnant, and you’re probably wondering how best to care for her. There are many conflicting opinions when it comes to how best to care for cats during pregnancy. However, if you follow these tips, you’ll improve your chances of having a healthy litter.

Assess Your Cat’s Health Before Breeding

The first step in taking care of your pregnant cat is assessing her health. Cats are fertile for a few weeks a year. So, it’s not uncommon for them to become pregnant at any time. It’s also possible for cats to get pregnant at any age.

To ensure the healthiest possible environment for your new kittens before they’re born, you need to make sure that:

  • Your pet is healthy and in good condition (not overweight or underweight)
  • She has been spayed or neutered, so she can’t get pregnant again
  • She has had all the necessary vaccinations

Watch Your Cat’s Weight Gain

Although it’s not a bad idea to give your cat a bit more food than usual to keep her fat and happy, you should also keep an eye on the amount of weight she’s gaining. If she is overweight, it could make it hard for her to deliver the babies. If she’s underweight, she may not be able to produce enough milk. Keep track of how much your cat weighs before pregnancy and compare each month during pregnancy to see whether or not she is gaining at an appropriate rate.

Change your cat’s diet if necessary. The PetCareRx website has different dietary food options for cats. You might go for any of the science-based diets, too, if you want to ensure a proper weight while providing your cat with the right nutrients.

Prepare a Safe, Quiet Spot to Deliver Kittens

Once your cat is in labor and ready to deliver kittens, you’ll want to prepare a safe spot for her to do so. While cats will sometimes birth their litters in the wild or even in the home, they are generally more comfortable having privacy when giving birth and are often very vocal during this time.

Here are some tips on how to prepare a delivery area:

  • Create an area that is quiet and away from disturbances. The best place is often another room with thick carpeting or soft rugs where she can feel comfortable lying down on her side while delivering her kittens. 
  • You may want to place some towels underneath your cat and under each kitten once it’s born since there will likely be some blood spatter involved here. Don’t worry, however, as it’s perfectly normal for female cats when giving birth.
  • Try not to make too much noise around your cat during this time. She might startle easily after delivering several kittens since it takes energy out of them both physically and mentally. They’ll need plenty of rest afterward, too.

Feed Her High-Quality Food

Feeding your cat a high-quality diet is an important part of ensuring that she stays healthy during pregnancy. A good diet will help her maintain a healthy weight and keep her body strong as it prepares to carry, birth, and nurse kittens.

When choosing which foods to feed your pregnant cat, it’s important to remember that cats are carnivores. Their diets should consist primarily of meat. It’s best not to give them table scraps or raw food because these can be too fatty or rich for their systems. Junk food like chips, cookies, and other snacks also contain ingredients that aren’t good for cats. 

If you want your pet to have variety in her meals, try offering small amounts of lean meats like fish filets, chicken or turkey breast without skin or fat attached, and cooked egg yolks. You can also find cat food specifically designed for pregnant cats on the market.

Keep Her Away from Fleas and Other Pests

Fleas are common pests that can make your cat very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are many ways to protect her from fleas and other bugs, including:

  • Keep your yard free of debris and wood piles where fleas hide.
  • Vacuum frequently, especially in areas where your cat spends time alone, such as her bed or favorite chair.
  • Use flea repellents and sprays on areas that are inaccessible to the cat for safety reasons. 

Take Your Cat to the Vet for Prenatal Care and Regular Check-Ups

Make sure to get your cat checked by the vet at least once a month. Your vet will give your cat a thorough physical exam and look for any abnormalities or signs of illness in her body or behavior. They may also recommend some tests, such as testing for feline leukemia, vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and other prenatal services that might be necessary, depending on the health of your little one.

So, if you have a cat at home waiting to give birth, go through these tips repeatedly and execute them accordingly. That way, your cat can have a healthy pregnancy and deliver healthy kittens too.