Good corporate governance is essential for any business. It helps to ensure that the company is run properly and efficiently, with due regard for all stakeholders. One of the key elements of good corporate governance is an external audit. An external audit is an objective assessment of a company’s financial statements and internal controls. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the benefits of an external audit and how to improve your external audit corporate governance.

What is the Difference Between an External Audit and an Internal Audit?

An external audit is conducted by an independent third party, such as a certified public accountant (CPA). An internal audit, on the other hand, is conducted by employees of the company.

External audits are generally more comprehensive than internal audits. They often cover a wider range of areas, such as compliance with laws and regulations, financial statement accuracy, and internal controls. Internal audits tend to be more focused and may only cover one or two specific areas.

External audits are also typically more expensive than internal audits. This is because they require the use of external experts, who tend to charge higher fees than internal auditors.

Overall, external audits are generally more beneficial than internal audits in terms of providing an objective assessment of a company’s operations. However, they are also more expensive and may not be feasible for all companies.

How can an External Audit Help Improve Corporate Governance?

An external audit can help improve corporate governance in a number of ways. First, it can provide an objective assessment of the company’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This can help the board of directors identify areas where the company may be at risk of non-compliance and take steps to mitigate those risks.

Second, an external audit can also help assess the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls. This can identify any weaknesses in the controls that could potentially lead to fraud or mismanagement. The board can then take steps to strengthen the controls to reduce the risk of such events occurring.

Third, an external audit can provide valuable insights into the company’s financial statements. This can help the board ensure that the statements are accurate and free from material misstatements. It can also highlight any potential areas of concern that need to be addressed.

Overall, an external audit can be a valuable tool for improving corporate governance. It can help identify risks and weaknesses that need to be addressed in order to protect shareholders’ interests. 


An external audit is a great way to improve your corporate governance and ensure that your company is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. It can also help you identify any potential risks or areas of improvement within your organization. If you are considering an external audit, we recommend that you contact a reputable auditing firm to get started.