Legal family matters usually involve family-related issues such as child custody, adoption, marriage, and divorce, among others. These matters usually result in physical and mental health issues for the parties involved. The main cause of these problems varies but can be due to a lack of communication in which the parties constantly have negative thoughts about one another. It can also be due to an inappropriate fund allocation or an incorrect division of family labor. 

Other factors can lead to legal family matters, but the negative consequences for all parties involved are usually extreme. As a result, it is crucial to find the best possible solutions to these issues. Here are some of the best ways to resolve legal family matters:


Negotiation is the first step in resolving a legal family matter after all the necessary information has been gathered and communicated. The lawyers for both sides will be in constant contact with one another during this negotiation process.

For a negotiation to result in a solution the involved parties should consider the benefits, accurate facts, legal principles, and creativity. It is crucial to carefully choose a family lawyer because a favorable outcome in the negotiation process is dependent primarily on the family lawyer’s experience. Even though neither side has to bring a lawyer to the table, both sides should do so to protect their own interests.


Another option for resolving legal family matters is mediation. It requires the parties to appear before an impartial mediator with or without legal counsel. Many families in Australia have seen their legal matters settled with this method. It usually helps to bring the dispute to a point where both parties benefit equally. These mediators usually enable dialogues that address both parties’ objectives and interests, and this eventually helps to bring them to a mutually agreeable resolution. The experienced family lawyers Sydney believe that hiring a family mediator with sufficient experience in dealing with legal family matters usually assists the parties in reaching mutually satisfying terms that are implemented into a court order or contract. Most of the time, mediation is cheaper, is completely voluntary, and leads to solutions that can last a lifetime.


When both parties are unable to resolve their legal family matters through mediation or negotiation, or when there is a need for immediate action due to struggles or safety concerns, then litigation is the next option to consider. The litigation process follows a court proceeding in which a judge decides the legal family matters by issuing a legally binding court order after considering the evidence presented by both parties. The lawyers involved are usually trained to guide the parties through the court process. Litigation is often used with the other methods above to avoid expensive trials unless they are absolutely necessary.

The mere possibility of being involved in a legal dispute with a family member is unsettling. There are numerous advantages to properly resolving a legal family matter, and various methods for resolving these issues. On the other hand, negotiation, mediation, and litigation have been shown to work for many families.