When you are resigning from your job, it is important to do so in a professional manner. Resigning without notice can leave a bad impression on your employer and may damage your chances of getting a positive reference in the future. It is best to give your employer at least two weeks’ notice when you resign.

The following is a guide on how to write a resignation letter that is both professional and respectful.

– Be Thankful

Start by thanking your employer for the opportunities they have provided you during your time at the company. This is a small gesture that can go a long way in maintaining a positive relationship with your former employer.

– Be Brief and to the Point

Be succinct in your letter, and stick to the facts. Avoid going into too much detail about why you are leaving or what led you to make this decision. This can be saved for a conversation with your manager if necessary.

– Your Intent to Resign:

This is the first thing that you should include in your resignation letter. Explain clearly and concisely why you are resigning, including any issues or concerns you may have with your employer or position. If you are resigning to pursue other opportunities, be sure to mention this as well.

– Your Last Date of Employment:

Include the date on which you plan to leave your job. If possible, try to give your employer a little bit more notice than what is required by your contract or company policy. This will help ensure that any necessary work is completed or transferred to another employee before you leave. This date should be at least two weeks from the date of your resignation letter, though you may decide to give your employer more notice if possible.

– A Brief Explanation of your Reasons for Resigning:

Along with your intention to resign, it is important to provide a brief explanation of why you are choosing to leave. This can help your employer understand any issues or concerns that may have led to your decision. If applicable, you may also want to mention any positive aspects of your current position, such as the skills you have learned and the experience you have gained. Additionally, if you have enjoyed working for your employer or with a particular team, it may be beneficial to mention this as well.

– Your Appreciation for the Opportunity to Work at the Company:

End your resignation letter on a positive note by expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to work for your employer. You may also want to mention any positive experiences you have had during your time with the company. Wishing your employer success in the future is a nice way to end the letter on a positive note.

– Your Contact Information:

Include your current contact information in case your employer needs to get in touch with you after you have left the company. This can include your email address, phone number, or both. Be sure to also provide updated contact information for any colleagues or managers who may need additional assistance once your departure has been finalized.

If you are resigning from a job that requires any notice period under the law then it is important to follow these requirements when writing your resignation letter. This can help avoid any potential legal issues in the future. Thanking your employer for the opportunity to work for the company is a nice way to end your resignation letter. Be sure to include your contact information so that your employer can get in touch with you after you have left.