HbA1c is a glucose blood sugar. The food we consume is broken down into sugar, which is sent to the blood, and travels through the body. Your body requires everything within a range, but once the level rises or falls, it starts causing inconvenience in the working of our body. 

Similarly, blood sugar is required by the body to a certain range, but when it rises above the limit, it weakens the body and disrupts its functioning. Glycosylated hemoglobin determines the amount of sugar in the blood. This disease is genetic. Hence, you are under the radar if you have a diabetic family history.

A person sufferer from diabetes when their body resists insulin or reduces its production. There are symptoms through which you can figure out if you have diabetes:

  • Increased hunger
  • Increases thirst
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Wounds taking longer to heal
  • Blurred vision
  • Lethargy
  • Skin darkening
  • Frequent infections

These are a few signs that your body is struggling with increased sugar levels in your blood. To take a glycosylated haemoglobin test, also known as HbA1c Test for Diabetes. 

Causes of Diabetes:

The primary reason is the elevated level of sugar in the blood, but there can be reasons behind it:

  • The body is unable to break sugar properly, which makes the production of insulin hard. 
  • The reduced ability of the pancreas to process insulin in a certain amount. 

What is the Hba1c test?

Hba1c is a glycosylated haemoglobin test that measures the sugar level in your blood in the last three months. Glycosylated hemoglobin is the red blood cells that are attached to the sugar broken down by the body. These cells accumulate for up to four months, and hence this test can show results in blood sugar for up to the last three months. 

Importance of Glycosylated haemoglobin test:

The HbA1c test breaks down the past three months’ history of the blood sugar running through our body. The blood carries the sugar and sends signals to the pancreas to secrete insulin. Then the insulin in the bloodstream allows the sugar to enter. It helps in reducing the sugar level, and once the level falls to normal, the pancreas starts to make less insulin.

This test determines how much insulin is being produced and how it is being processed in the bloodstream. glycosylated hemoglobin values provide a good indication of how well a patient’s diabetes is controlled

With the test result, the doctor can suggest medicine accordingly and help you with your diet plan so that you can keep the sugar level in control.

Results of the test:

The result shows what amount of glucose is attached to the haemoglobin and whether it’s borderline diabetes or proper diabetes.

The normal range lies between:

Normal person: below 5.7%

Borderline diabetes: 5.7-6.4%

Diabetic patient: 6.5% or more

The glycosylated hemoglobin level determines whether the person is at risk of diabetes or not. 

Damages that elevated blood sugar can do:

The greater your blood glucose level is, the more likely you are to have issues. Diabetes not just increases glycosylated haemoglobin but also results in damage to several other internal organs. Diabetic patients tend to gain weight. The body fails to classify the distribution of fat evenly. The lower body gets heavier than the upper body.

People prone to diabetes can suffer liver damage, kidney failure, hazardous infractions, untreated wounds, and more blood-related conditions. Glycosylated haemoglobin level is also directly linked to heart disease and stroke.

Preparation for the test:

This test does not require you to do fasting or avoid eating at all. You can give this test at any time of the day and take your medicines on time. The results are quick too. As soon as you provide the blood sample, it is sent for testing. After that, you get your test results quickly.

How frequently should you get tested?

Glycosylated hemoglobin runs with a history of 4 months, and so a diabetic patient should get tested every three months. For a borderline diabetes patient, it is suggested to keep your sugar intake very minimal and follow a healthy lifestyle with physical activities, including maintaining the level in between the range. The lower number of glycosylated hemoglobin lowers the chances of getting diabetes in the future as well. You can consult a doctor to know the need for a test. 

Controlling sugar level:

Some persons with diabetes can benefit from a healthy diet and regular exercise. Eating the appropriate foods will help you reduce your blood sugar while also assisting you in losing weight. Try to consume short portions throughout the day to maintain your blood sugar levels. Sweetened and salted foods should be avoided. Green and leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, and nuts should all be encouraged. Good fats should be a part of your diet.