The anime community is buzzing with excitement for the return “Great Pretender”, a series which captivated viewers with its mix of comedy, criminality, and thrilling con-artist escapades. The series, which made its debut in 2020, is now set to return with its sequel “Great Pretender Razbliuto”. This article explores all of the details, including the release date, plot and cast.

Release Date for Great Pretender Razbliuto

The release of “Great Pretender Razbliuto”, scheduled for 2024, has already created considerable excitement among fans. However, a specific date has not yet been announced. Crunchyroll announced on November 17, 2023 that they would be switching streaming platforms from Netflix, where the original series was available, to Crunchyroll, ensuring international fans could access this eagerly awaited sequel. This shift in streaming rights reflects the increasing competition and collaboration among the anime streaming industry.

Plot Expectations and Speculations

The official plot of the “Great Pretender Razbliuto”, however, is still a secret. However, there are many rumors about what direction the sequel will take. The return of old characters and new twists to the storyline are highly anticipated by fans. The ending of Season 1 hinted that the focus could be on Dorothy. Her mysterious return and her amnesiac state sparked curiosity among viewers. The sequel will likely delve into Dorothy’s backstory, as well as her reintegration in the world of high stakes crime. It could also explore themes such identity, memory and deception.

Sequel: The Creative Minds Behind the Sequel

Many of the creative team members who worked on “Great Pretender”, are back for its sequel. Hiro Kaburagi returns to his role as director and brings his unique vision and storytelling style into the series. Taku Kishimoto (who previously worked on “Ousama Ranking”) and Ryota KOSAWARA, from the previous seasons are also joining him. Yuko Yamada and Yuko Kobari are both returning to the series, promising a vibrant aesthetic. Fans can take comfort in the continuity of the creative staff, which suggests the same quality and style as the first season.

Crunchyroll is now the streaming platform of choice

The move from Netflix to Crunchyroll marks a major shift in streaming platforms. This raises accessibility questions, particularly for fans who watched the first season of Netflix. Crunchyroll has not yet acquired streaming rights for the first season. This would allow new viewers the opportunity to follow the story in its entirety. This move reflects a dynamic landscape in anime distribution where streaming services play a key role in determining where and how audiences can watch their favorite shows.

Teaser trailer and fan expectations

A 44-second teaser released on November 17, 2023 has only increased the excitement surrounding “Great Pretender Razbliuto”. Although no full trailer is yet available, the teaser gives fans a sneak peek at what they can expect from Season 10, which includes signature con-artist antics and live jazz music. The teaser trailer sets the tone for Season 10 and reinvigorates audience excitement.

The conclusion of the article is:

The anime industry is expecting “Great Pretender Razbliuto”, to make a major impact in 2024. The sequel will continue the legacy set by its predecessor with its talented creative team and intriguing plot. It also has a switch to a streaming platform. The “Great Pretender’ series has captivated fans around the globe. They are eagerly awaiting more details including a release date, a trailer and other information.