The tech industry has unlocked the next wave of growth for every global domain. Companies are catapulting many extensive strategies to improve transparency, collaboration, sustainability, agility, and digital innovation. In this, mobile app development is playing a massive role in ramping up organizations’ transformation efforts. Technologies such as Flutter, Swift, Xamarin, and React Native app development are a few popular in-demand frameworks used while developing a mobile application. However, the most important dilemma for businesses is to choose the best for their project scalability. And this blog is going to help you pick the ultimate that embraces the sustainable future of your mobile application. Our pick for today is Flutter and Xamarin, the two most used cross-platform facets that have marked their presence in the tech industry today.

Let’s see which of the two frameworks improves your work and becomes a good choice for your business in 2022.

Introducing Xamarin

Microsoft-owned Xamarin is an open-source platform, introduced in the year 2011. The framework is used to develop native applications on Android, iOS, and Windows devices by implementing C# (.NET) as their programming language along with native API access.

Xamarin developers have the control of reusing and sharing the same codebase to develop applications that give similar look and feel to native apps. As per Microsoft reports, Xamarin has a strong community of contributors from more than 3,700 companies.

Introducing Flutter

Google founded Flutter in the year 2017 which is an open-source framework used to create beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications by using a single codebase. With the help of this technology, flutter app developers can build faster, more productive, and more flexible applications that look and feel great on any screen.

Flutter uses Dart as its programming language and relies on the native operating system configurations, similar to how you would configure the native Xamarin.forms projects. As per Google reports, there are approximately 90,000 applications published in the stores, with 10,000 recently uploaded in the last month. And on Github, there are around 3400 active contributors for Flutter. There are less than 70 thousand queries with the tag Flutter. This makes flutter a reliable tool for developers as it incorporates lesser issues.

Flutter has two important aspects:

  • A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a toolkit that allows developers to create apps. (tools for converting code to native machine code)
  • A Framework (User Interface Library): It’s a set of configurable UI elements that allow developers to tailor the program to their requirements.

Flutter or Xamarin: Comparisons on the Key Features

As both the technology avails similar functionality, it gets challenging for businesses to mark the difference. Hence, we have covered a transparent comparison between Flutter app development and Xamarin for users to pick the best. Read on to find out.

Programming Language:

Xamarin– C# (.Net)

As mentioned above, Xamarin uses C# as its programming language to build cross-platform applications that run on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, etc devices. As Microsoft owns and uses the framework itself, the demand for it is highly popular among developers and businesses nationwide. Speaking for C#, the language is used in developing .Net frameworks due to its vibrant features such as portability, functional programming, and metaprogramming.

Flutter– Dart

Similarly, Flutter is built on Dart, a rarely used language among the developers. The reason is, that it’s complex to understand the language. Although, as per experts, learn Dart unveils a lot of potential opportunities for developers as it takes minimal time to deploy an app, and the maintenance of it is also simple. If a developer is proficient in JavaScript, learning Dart becomes extremely easy, and the already updated documentation on the gives developers access to gather all the essential information hassle-free.

Technical Interface

Xamarin’s architecture:

Mono is an accessible version of Microsoft’s .NET Framework.

Mobile (Android), Objective-C runtime (iOS).

Linux (Android), UNIX-like kernel (iOS).

Flutter’s architecture:

Flutter framework: built-in Dart, contains the app’s essential components, such as widgets and Material libraries.

The Flutter engine is developed in C++ and uses the Skia graphics package to implement visuals.

Embedder: the platform-specific gateway to the proper operating system implemented in native code.



What’s great about Flutter is that it’s easily installed since you only need to load the data for the operating system you need and you’re good to go. Retrieve the data, update it, and then relax since all of the documentation is already available on the official website.


The actual Xamarin vs Flutter battle for installation efficiency thus begins. If you want to start working out right away, you may download the boot file. First, locate Visual Studio 2019, install Community, and Visual Studio Pro, and then begin the procedure. You’ll need a solid link to the Visual Studio docs.



If you’ve begun working with Flutter, you’ll undoubtedly have all the tools you need to develop a rich, diversified visualization. API accessibility, mobility, declarative programming, libraries, and validation are all nicely represented in its apps. To acquire even more advantages, third-party libraries may be used, and Plugin and Cupertino will simply allow you to peel off the user interface on both iOS and Android.


When comparing Flutter to Xamarin, Microsoft has provided highly accurate documentation that operates well. Xamarin is fully endorsed by iOS, Android, Forums, macOS, watches, tv OS, and more platforms, and there is also a large collection of elements and plugins that programmers can use.

IDEs Support


Flutter, unlike Xamarin, is fully independent of the software platform, and many users are amazed by its versatility. You are no longer constrained to Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio Code and may use anything you choose. Furthermore, what is the distinction between Flutter and Xamarin at this point? You are free to utilize all IDE settings.


If the developer is not affiliated with Microsoft, the troubles begin in this position. Durable bonds tie Xamarin forms versus Flutter to the Visual Studio IDE. What issues can emerge here, and why is Flutter superior to Xamarin in terms of flexibility of choice? In this context, the notion of VS Code or a comparable IDE is difficult to implement. More crucially, for business customers, you must purchase a Microsoft Visual Studio IDE license, which has already deterred many.

Why Choose Flutter Over Xamarin?

Flutter and Xamarin are both formidable competitors in the cross-platform application industry. However, many business owners are still unsure whether to choose Flutter or Xamarin as their primary approach. We created this blog to provide you with suggestions and possibilities to better grasp the issue and make the best option for you, free of traps and current flow.

Let’s walk through the most critical areas for project implementation once more so that we can confidently determine which parts of Flutter app development outperform Xamarin and how the differences between the two affect the projects.

  • Flutter is a more trustworthy platform for constructing big projects that demand greater attention to development and testing, which is where Flutter excels.
  • If you require a super-fast, appealing application with a lot of features, choose Flutter over Xamarin. Its middle name means speed.
  • Because Flutter is growing so popular, it is also quite easy to find experienced and competent staff.
  • Despite the ubiquity of the programming language, you will have an easier time finding a Flutter developer than a Xamarin developer.
  • You do not want to pay for the licensed version, and you do not have to because Flutter is free.
  • You want great documentation and support – these may pertain to Flutter or Xamarin forms, but Flutter is expanding so quickly that we don’t know what it will be at the time the post is published.

If you’re ready to get started with Flutter, it’s important to understand the cost of development and further key aspects that this framework integrates to get amazing outcomes.

Over To You

Xamarin and Flutter are two cross-platform mobile development platforms that allow you to create native-like mobile apps from the existing codebase. In this blog, we thoroughly analyzed both app development technologies based on many parameters from the standpoint of a developer. This comparing guide is only for reference purposes, and the decision on which paradigm to choose may differ from project to project. Although, it is clear that Flutter has made a significant breakthrough in the marketplace.

So, Flutter or Xamarin? Which one to choose? As every business comprehends its own set of project requirements. The best relies on the budget and time. Have a free consultation with the flutter app development company for a better approach and instant decision-making. We hope the above-mentioned comparison brings the best to your business.

Authors bio– Amara works with the editorial team of DianApps, a leading company offering mobile app development company. Exploring the latest technologies, reading about them, and writing her views have always been her passion. She seeks new opportunities to express her opinions, explore technological advancements, and document the details. You can always find her enjoying books or articles about varied topics or jotting down her ideas in a notebook.