When we talk about glasses, the very first thing that pops into our minds is vision correction and eye protection. Though the need for eyeglasses has long shifted from this to be a fashion accessory that everyone dons on. But is that it? Does your work just end with getting a fashionable pair of glasses for yourself? That is where we get absolutely wrong. Our responsibility towards our eyes does not just end with getting a pair of fashionable clothes every day but ensuring our eye health is at its peak.

Regular eye-checkup

We usually tend to ignore the needs when it comes to the eyes, and that is exactly what has been the case. The most basic example is that we are spending most of our time in front of the screen. Being in our current knowledge state we know that blue light is what is emitted from our digital screens and we are exposed to it in a high amount. And this does affect us causing eye strain and fatigue and even affecting productivity. We are well aware of the fact that to prevent such a situation, one must actually switch to anti-blue light glasses and it effectively blocks the light from reaching the eyes. But this need of our eyes is well ignored. We even skip to
get ourselves these basic glasses and why is that.

Everybody does get themselves a full body check-up but not a routine eye check-up. We usually ignore the need until we face something super urgent and if we go for a regular check-up we could actually avoid such situations and even prevent any underlying issues.

There are specific age groups in which one at no cost can afford to skip their regular eye check and here we will be discussing the same.

When to get regularly checked?

Your eye check-up should be as per the need of your eyes or as per the
recommendation of the expert. But the thing is that unless you go for a check, how will you know the issues?

There are no specific guidelines on when to get the eyes checked, but one can actually follow this routine for the best results.

● From the primary, before you put the child in school till the age of 18, one
must get their children checked once every 4-5 years. The reason is that in
the growing age, children have better optical capacity and strength than
adults, they do not have the need to get tested regularly. Another thing to be
given importance is that parents should closely observe the needs of their
children, if they show some discomfort and complain about blurry vision then it is best recommended to consult a specialist regarding the same.

● From 18-30- This age group also does not need to get their eyes in regular
intervals and 3-4 years will do absolutely fine. But at this age when you are
working, you must make sure that your eyes are in good condition and should smartly switch to anti-glare and anti-blue light glasses for any further damage.

● From 31 to 40- This is another age group that actually needs to get their eyes checked. One must know that eye check-up should be done by all but with age, the need and intervals changes. They must get it done every 2-3 years regularly.

● From 41 to 59- After the 40s, one must know that their eye lens slowly starts losing its elasticity, they become much stiffer with the increasing age. At this point, one experiences issues while reading something written in small letters and even starts to lose focus. It is best recommended to consult a specialist regarding the same. In such a situation, one switches to the reading glasses that have a magnifying effect and help one to read and regain focus. Apart from that, it would be better if they got their eyes checked once in 1-2 years regularly.

● Above 60- It’s an age group that has no excuses for their skip of regular
check-ups. This is the age where the person experiences difficulty in seeing
and faces various eye-related issues. Apart from that, they must regularly visit an expert like every year for their routine check-ups as eye-related issues will be quite common.

Free eye test

We do understand that many of you might not be able to have regular eye
check-ups, at most places, they might be costly as well. This is the reason that most people try to skip their regular eye tests.

There are a few companies that offer free eye tests as well and one such company is Specscart UK, as they offer free eye tests at their every store, it’s just walk in or you can even get your appointment pre-booked. They have their store in Walkden, Bury, and in Urmston, so anyone near the store or around the area can actually pay the visit and take the benefit of your free eye test. If you have your NHS vouchers with you well they do accept that as well. For updates on eyewear and fashion visit Specscart’s Instagram page.

Anti-blue light glasses

As discussed before, vision correction should not just be your goal when you get your eyes checked, one must give due importance to what are the other factors that affect the eyes.

The issue of the blue light effect is severe and one must switch to blue light glasses to prevent any harm. Did you know these glasses are able to affect your sleep cycle or circadian rhythm at night?

Yes, while using your digital screens at night in a dim light condition, it gives an impression to the brain that it is already morning and hence you do not feel sleepy while looking at the screen. So it is best recommended to use night mode or use anti-blue light glasses at night. One actually must try to avoid the use of screens at night.