Are you allergic to peanut butter, but have always wanted to eat foods with nut butter in them? Do you love nut butter spreads, but are discouraged by having an allergy?

Having allergies and finding food alternatives can sometimes be tricky. It can be difficult to find foods with similar flavors, textures, or are just close to the original food in general.

Luckily for people with peanut allergies, there are many great alternatives to peanut butter that taste great and are filled with ingredients that are good for you. If you have a peanut allergy, check out these five great peanut butter alternatives to try.

1. Almond Butter

Almond butters are perhaps one of the most common and delicious alternatives to peanut butter. This nutter butter is perfect for sandwiches paired with jam, or it is great swirled in your oatmeal. It’s even great to eat out of the jar with a spoon!

Almond butter not only tastes great, but it is filled with many great nutrients that can benefit your health. It has qualities that are known to help lower bad cholesterol levels, and nutrients that promote good heart health as well.

Almond butter is also known to help lower blood sugar levels. If you are someone who struggles with high blood sugar, almond butter is a great peanut butter alternative for you to try!

American Dream Nut Butter has many delicious almond butter options to try that will definitely get you hooked on this nut butter. You will want to eat the almond butter straight out of the jar!

2. Cashew Butter

If you like creamy nut butters, cashew butter is a great alternative to peanut butter for you. This alternative is great for blending into smoothies or mixed in with a sauce. The flavor of cashew butter pairs well with fruits as well, so putting it in oatmeal with fresh fruit is a delicious breakfast option.

Cashew butter has many health benefits as well. This peanut butter alternative will keep you full throughout your day and help you maintain your energy levels. It can also help you to lower bad cholesterol levels.

Cashew butter is also high in iron and helps promote good eye health. It is also a great option if you are following a low sodium diet, as long as you choose a cashew butter that doesn’t have a lot of added salt.

3. Sunflower Seed Butter

If you are allergic to tree nuts as well as peanuts, sunflower seed butter is a great alternative spread for you to try. Since it is made out of seeds, this butter is nut-free, but it still has a tasty, savory, and nutty flavor.

This is one of the best nut butters for putting on your toast for breakfast. Try spreading this on a piece of bread with slices of banana or honey. Like cashew butter, sunflower seed butter is also an excellent accompaniment in smoothies.

Sunflower seed butter has many health benefits that people with allergies can still benefit from. It is filled with lots of healthy fats that our bodies need to survive. It is also a good source of protein, which will help you maintain your energy levels throughout your day.

Sunflower seed butter also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help control inflammation and help reduce the risk of certain diseases. It is also known to help with weight loss!

4. Brazil Nut Butter

Brazil nut butter is another great alternative to peanut butter. This tasty nut butter is great when it is put in pastries or baked goods, and is delicious when it is paired with chocolate. Or, simply eat it straight out of the jar!

This nut butter is also packed with different nutrients and health benefits. It is high in selenium, which is vital for cell growth. It is also important for thyroid health, so brazil nuts are a great nut to eat if you struggle with thyroid issues.

Brazil nut butter also promotes a healthy immune system and can help prevent certain diseases, like cancer. They are also great for heart health and can improve brain health as well.

5. Hazelnut Butter

Hazelnut butter is a type of nut butter that’s perfect for putting on sandwiches or baked goods. It is the perfect match for chocolate, so hazelnut butter and chocolate chip cookies are a spectacular dessert to try. It is also a delicious topper for oatmeal or smoothie bowls!

Like other nut butters, hazelnut butter has many great properties that your health will benefit from. Hazelnuts are filled with vitamins and have good levels of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus.

They have plenty of antioxidants as well, which help promote good heart health and healthy blood. Hazelnuts even are linked with lower rates of cancer, and can help reduce inflammation in your body!

Enjoy Your Favorite Foods with Peanut Butter Alternatives

Just because you have a nut allergy, it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on delicious nutty treats. Try out any of these peanut butter alternatives and enjoy all of your favorite foods! Hazelnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, and sunflower flower seeds all make delicious, nutty butters that will taste delicious and give you lots of nutrients as well.

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