Diversity may sound like an overused term, but its application is nowhere near the standard that it is supposed to be. The main reason for the prevalent discrepancy, as far as incorporation of diversity is concerned, is the preconceived stereotypes and generalization of certain communities, regions, ethnicities, races, and religions.

Although there are various characteristics vis-a-vis diversity, in this article, we will be discussing demographic diversity in translation organizations.

A lot of translation agencies such as French translation services or Chinese translation services claim that they encourage diversity in their companies by hiring different human professional translators from all around the world. 

Since globalization has enabled businesses to expand and enter foreign markets, these professional translation services from translationservices.hk utilizes the opportunities to expand their networks in the field. Moreover, the nature of their work also compels them to hire those human translators that belong to specific regions and speak a particular language. So that in the future whenever they get a job to translate content into that language, they can utilize their employees.

Benefits of Diversity In Language Translation Firms

Let’s discuss some of the benefits of incorporating diversity, that a lot of translation services have already witnessed;

  1. Creativity In Decision-Making 

One of the biggest advantages of incorporating diversity is that it leads to more creativity. In translations, you have to make quality-based decisions, especially when you are handling legal, medical, or financial-based translations. If you incorporate a diverse group of translators from different backgrounds, the chances of you making a mistake would significantly diminish. French translation services are famous for hiring freelance writers from all over the world. This enables interconnectivity between world communities. Meanwhile, the options of alternatives to approach a problem increase as well.

  1. Better Customer Service

If a translation firm enables diversity in its operations, the organization can broaden its scope to deal with a wider audience. For instance, Chinese translation services, have attempted to inculcate a diversification program in recent history. So what they did was, created a program in which women translators were given the opportunity to join their services. 

And women who wanted to join the field of translation but did not have the required experiences and expertise in translating text for a completely different target audience were offered internship programs where they were taught by world-leading translators. This catapulted a wave of women translators looking for employment opportunities. And these professional translation services gave them that platform.

By giving them the platform, these services were able to increase their revenue. As it turned out that customers responded better to translation firms that encouraged diversity. Because this diversity shows off in the quality of work they offer. Their presence on online websites shows the diversity of genders that they have. This showcases a positive image of the company. Hence, customers feel better when they deal with such professional translation firms.

  1. Satisfied Employees

In a diverse organizational setting, the management always tries to treat everyone fairly. This may not have been the case a couple of decades ago, when there were strict hierarchical structures. But with the evolution of time and technology, management has realized that the more diverse a company is, the more it is prone to be successful. 

If the culture of the translation agency is to maintain fair play in the workplace, it has to be diversified. On the contrary, if the translators working for a company feel that they are not given the credit that they deserve or are being mistreated, they eventually feel less valued and attached to the organization. 

  1. Diminished Litigation Expenses

If there is a translation agency that is doing a very poor job in terms of its diversity management, chances are that they will eventually face a lot of expensive litigation. Moreover, if the translators working for them realize that their translation firm is prone to violate EEOC laws, they may or may not file a complaint.

So what the EEOC does is that they can become mediators and allow the company to settle the matter away from the court.  However, if the circumstances are such that they are not able to reach any sort of settlement the EEOC can take the burden of suing the company, as it has the power to represent the complainant on its behalf. 

And if you have any sort of prior knowledge about how expensive these lawsuits are, you can imagine the pressure and financial burden it will put on the translation agency. 


Some people may argue that managing a diverse group of people in a workplace may not be as simple as this article poses it to be. It is very difficult to create an environment where the chances of confrontation and stereotyping do not take place. These things tend to happen, no matter how much you try.

The purpose of this article is not to promulgate the notion that diversity in translation services is a perfect mechanism for the success of a firm. However, diversity definitely increases the chances to progress. A limited number of people, from the same region and the same ethnicity, may work well with another. But the chances that they can take your translation service to another level are extremely minute. Thereby, it is the responsibility of the upper management to create such an environment where diversity can sustain for a long period of time. And enable conflict resolution by addressing every situation prematurely.