What do you get when you add together a global pandemic, extreme weather, climbing debt, and war? According to the UN, you have a global hunger crisis.

Will you be among the 276 million global citizens facing food insecurity soon? If so, then it’s wise to start planning now. Don’t feel scared; get prepared!

Start by getting some supplies and building a good foundation of knowledge. Learning how to grow and make your own food should be a top priority.

For this article, we’ll go over how to make cheese at home. This information could prove invaluable in the future! Read on to get informed.

Cheese Making Ingredients

All good cheese has four specific ingredients:

  • Milk
  • Salt
  • Good bacteria
  • Rennet (an enzyme)

Of course, you may want other ingredients depending on the type of cheese you want to make.

Milk and salt are recognizable products, but you might be asking — what is rennet? There are bacteria colonies in cheese?

Let’s break it down. First, rennet is an ingredient that helps in the curdling of cheese. You can get rennet in liquid, powder, tablet, or even vegetarian options.

The good bacteria are what’s known as probiotics. You’ll want to add this to your milk to help it create even more healthy bacteria.

These are your basic ingredients, but you may opt for more. Depending on what flavor you’re after, you might add in herbs, spices, or wine.

Cheese Making Process: How to Make Cheese at Home

So, how do you get started? First, get your milk and make it warm.

Next, you’ll need to acidify your cheese by adding in your bacteria. You might opt to use vinegar instead if you’re aiming for ricotta.

Next, you’ll add in the rennet. Mix until you start to see a gel texture. Once that happens, it’s time to start cutting your cheese into chunks.

One of the most common cheese making problems is not knowing how big to cut cheese chunks. Small pieces lead to drier cheese, while bigger ones will be more moist.

It will take practice and experience to figure out what you like best.

From there, you’ll stir your mixture for a while. This process could take up to an hour and you may or may not want to have your mixture cooking.

Next, separate the curds from the whey.

Finally, you’ll make your cheese to taste. That might involve salting, aging, or cheddar-ing your cheese.

Delicious Homemade Cheese: Fact or Cap?

Did you know that you could make cheese at home with such ease? Unless you live nearby a farm, then you may have considered it before.

Despite that, the times are changing. It’s not a bad idea to consider DIY cheese making to not only save money but build your experience.

It could be a very valuable skill if cheese becomes more scarce in the future.

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