Do you have back pain that just won’t go away? Is this discomfort inhibiting your day-to-day life? You’ve probably looked into a litany of options at this point for some sense of relief. Pop some ibuprofen, use a heating pad, and hope for the best the next day. However, there are other things you can try and, in fact, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about it: CBD.

Understanding CBD


Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in the hemp plant that is commonly associated with the calming properties of marijuana use. CBD products have emerged in just about everything from oils to edibles, as a change-up from traditional medication. These products are designed for use with the guidance of a primary care physician or physical medicine professional to assess based on the dosage and quality of those products. That’s where websites like Bloom& can also provide insight into the CBD products that may be the best for you in the short term or the long run.

It’s important to also evaluate the labels of any items containing CBD. If a product is listed as CBD isolate, that’s the compound in its purest form. You may also see full-spectrum or broad-spectrum on the product’s label. Full-spectrum cannabidiol contains several naturally occurring elements of the cannabis plant, such as terpenes, and even the compound THC, which is considered the psychoactive agent in marijuana. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain several cannabis compounds but are usually free of THC with the exception of some trace amounts.

CBD for Pain Relief


One of the most common uses of CBD products is for pain relief. Topical creams have gained popularity for CBD users to help deal with the pain associated with arthritis and other chronic conditions. Whether it’s tender joints or tense muscles, some users have found their pain eased away by CBD use. While CBD products are not a solution to addressing fractures or tears in muscles, tendons, and ligaments, they have been adopted as part of a treatment plan for addressing chronic pain. These are also new treatments to deal with short-term pain during recovery.

Spinal trauma is an all-encompassing definition that may be used to describe everything from back discomfort to nerve pressure on the spinal column. Spine trauma experts recommend addressing pain that arises from joints and bones immediately, as well as any soreness in soft tissue areas of the back. Pressure on the nerves and spinal cord can be brought on by misalignment, requiring chiropractic care. If weakness and numbness develop, a treatment plan is put in place that could avoid surgical intervention in less than severe circumstances, with the help of certain doses of CBD.

CBD for Stress


Another common use for CBD products is to curb stress. In some cases, stress can aggravate back discomfort. It could stem from a work-related injury that has been exacerbated by repeat movement and improper spine care. There’s also the possibility that pain from a serious injury has restricted your movement, leaving you stressed out and upset about being limited in what you’re capable of doing on a daily basis.

CBD’s calming properties help to alleviate stress, with some patients feeling as those topicals or edibles offer a distraction from the discomfort. Certain doses of CBD may even allow for some people to ease their way into a better night’s sleep without back pain inhibiting their ability to get comfortable in bed. Of course, this all depends on the severity of the injury. Be sure to work with your care team to assess your situation, as you may require an X-ray or CT scan to truly get the best treatment plan in place, which could include reaping the benefits of CBD.