Have you completed your degree or are you looking to optimize your resume to get the best jobs nationally and internationally? Your solution may be a few kilometers from here, but in a single phrase: study abroad. In this article, you will understand how studying abroad can be the best way to live incredible experiences, whether professionally or personally. If you are planning to study abroad so, make sure to consider the best Student Accommodation Bolton.

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Countries like Australia and New Zealand will boost your English and put you in touch with a multicultural scene! Have you thought about visiting the best beaches in summer and still enjoying the snow in winter? Another great opportunity when setting out on this adventure is to have contact with new airs and new cultures. Want to know more? So read these 8 reasons why you should put planning at the tip of your pencil, pack your bags and study abroad now! Know about the Full Form Of IXPRL.

1. Learn and practice another language

Did you know that whoever speaks English fluently increases the chances of growing in the profession and earning much more? At least, that’s what this survey of more than 13 thousand people indicates. The survey shows that the salary difference between those who master the English language is 61% higher compared to those who are at the basic level.

With so many opportunities, many students and recent graduates in thew world are seeing that study in another country is the best way to improve their personal and professional lives. This survey carried out in 2016 with 1,145 students indicated that 43.5% had already had international educational experience.

Despite this, only 27.6% of job seekers today have improved in English. If you want to join this select group and stand out in the market, know that studying abroad is the best way to gain familiarity with a foreign language without having to spend years in a prep course! The trip will immerse you in a culture different from yours, which will require a lot of gas to communicate in English at all hours of your day.

When you are in an English-speaking nation (the official language is English), you will have to deal with real situations in order to be successful in having direct contact with the natives, either orally or through a written text. It’s like you’re a baby learning to talk. But rest assured that the studying abroad will speed up the process of acquiring a foreign language, as you will have to devote many hours of the day to English.

And there’s no ideal age to live abroad, because, regardless of your age, you’ll benefit a lot from the challenges you’ll have to overcome and the opportunity to socialize with very different people and even sharpen your skills!

If you’re still wondering why speaking other languageswill make a difference in your resume, know that the answer has to do with globalization, whose effect has directly reached the knowledgeable and proactive professional, who needs to be bilingual or multilingual to be able to meet the objectives of companies. Also, recruiters will notice that you are the ideal candidate if you have international experience.

2. Make friends

But those who think that experience in another nation will only improve their knowledge of the local language are mistaken. If you are going to learn to communicate in another language on the exchange, we need to talk about the people you will have daily contact with, right? In addition to exponentially expanding your fluency in English, living in a different country will introduce you to new friends.

And most importantly, you’ll be able to learn more about different people and cultures with every friendship you make, as well as build a network of friends all over the planet – especially if you choose to go to cosmopolitan countries like Australia. In Sydney, where there is one of the best quality of life on the planet, 35% of the population is made up of foreigners, for example.

Now, if you’re afraid of feeling lonely overseas, don’t worry: we have the solution. These tips will definitely help you find the best partners during your trip! Check out:

  • sign up on sites that put you in contact with foreigners. Couchsurfing allows you to host someone or stay at a host’s house without paying anything, which can yield a beautiful friendship;
  • download apps like Airtrip, with which you can like and comment on posts and get closer to people who, like you, want to have friends;
  • I frequent hostels, as, in addition to being a cheap accommodation option, especially when traveling on holiday in Australia, they are great for those looking for new colleagues;
  • be active on your social networks, as it is possible to find profiles of people who look like you and thus create links;
  • frequent tourist attractions in the city to meet gringos.

With these tips in place, it will be easier to find great people and live memorable moments abroad! And friendship rhymes with network, doesn’t it? In addition to being a personal gain, your friends can open doors for you to reach that dream job opening. Before that, learn the importance of an exchange program for your resume. Advance one house!

3. Optimize the curriculum

Speaking English fluently is the easiest way to beat unemployment and grow in your profession (remember how much more someone who is fluent in this language earns?). But the benefits of doing an exchange program don’t stop there, especially if you want to boost your resume.

You may be asking yourself at this point: what does the employer have to do with it? Well, he knows that the international student has to overcome many obstacles, as he is usually alone and has to build friendship bonds to survive far from home and the comfort of his family. This will be a great quality at the time of the professional interview, because it indicates the ability to solve problems, from the simplest to the most complex. You learn to get by!

Another advantage that studying abroad will add to your resume is being open to the new. With the immersion in a completely different culture from your own country, you will have to deal with people and personalities that are very different from your own. And another thing, when you’re studying or working abroad, you’ll pay attention to the ethics of the professionals there, which will make you reflect on the best way to be mature and competent to have a special job performance.

Not to mention that living in another country will imply a quick maturation, as it is necessary to assume responsibilities so as not to stumble over your mistakes. In the exchange, you will be in contact with yourself for a longer time and will learn to value and, above all, recognize your abilities. With a sharper mind, it will be possible to have more clarity in finding the ideal internship or job.

4. Discover new cultures and amazing places

Traditional people, modern architecture, delicious food, exotic animals or multicultural cities! One of the advantages of boosting your English abroad is the cultural diversity available. Discovering countries like Australia and New Zealand will bring you face to face with civilizations quite different from our society. Studying abroad will also convince you that having prejudice does not lead to anything.

The keynote is to have an open mind to get rid of stereotypes. Generally, we create certain concepts about people, which can be a barrier when communicating with them. Outside Brazil, you will not only come into contact with the local culture, but also with people from all over the world. That way, you’ll get rid of the clichés and see the cultural differences up close!

spectacular landscapes

The land of kangaroos, for example, is a mix of incredible beaches and glaciers, not to mention the fauna and flora! New Zealanders, known as kiwis, boast a breathtaking coastline and well-preserved national parks. Do you want to know what are some tourist spots for you to put on your checklist? Look that:

Australia: You can visit Sydney Opera House and surf Bondi; in Brisbane, visit the South Bank museums; on the Gold Coast, there are beautiful canals and parks; and in Perth, Kings Park and the Port of Fremantle are a beauty in themselves. Drive through Canberra, with the most important administrative buildings in the country; Cairns, with a forest and the great barrier of coral; Fraser Island, flanked by fresh water; and national parks such as Kakadu and Uluru-Kata Tjuta, with exotic landscapes;

New Zealand: start with the national parks, as they are many and hold surprises! In your itinerary, include the Tongarino National Park, which has a volcano and offers climbing; Fiordland National Park, with kayaking; Milford Sound, which has dolphins and a spectacular waterfall; and Abel Tasman National Park, ideal for backpackers. There is also Lake Taupo, which offers skydiving activities; and the Tonagrino Trail, with hiking and climbing.

5. Overcoming distance and homesickness

The exchange will deal with your weak points so that you can, from their improvement, become a better person. If before you had the comfort of your parents’ home, now you’ll have to face the challenges alone or with the help of your new friends. But the result of this is undeniable in the adult you will become later, with much more responsibilities and with a lot of baggage to grow in life, whether personal or professional.

And one thing for sure: this experience will affect you from now on. In the future, when faced with adversity, you will know how to act. Living abroad scales the obstacles so that you know the ideal ways to resolve them. And that goes for everything: from the most common problems, like getting lost in the street and not knowing where to go, to the most painful ones – the way you see your life and that of your loved ones.

Being far away, saudade will be one of the words that will fill your mind, not only because it is untranslatable to English, but also because the people you left behind in Brazil will start to be missed. However, you will understand that, despite the geographic distance, you will be able to count on your family and fellow countrymen to move forward, even stronger and more convinced of the path you want to take.

6. Acquire financial and professional experience

Another point that exchanges can teach is how to manage your money better. You’re away from home and you can’t always count on your family’s monetary help, right? If financial independence is your motto, be sure to include the experience of working abroad in your plans.

Nations like Australia and New Zealand have great opportunities for those coming from abroad and looking for a job. To give you an idea, the land of the Aussies is the one that pays the best among 26 other countries. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the salary in Australia is AU$18.29 an hour. But how do you join the lucky list and start earning the biggest honorarium in the world?

Well, you should look for opportunities in advance: how about searching the web for international trainee programs? There are selective processes, especially for people trained in technical areas of auditing and engineering. How about trying LinkedIn? The network is a world reference for getting contacts and increasing your chances of employability.

If you already knew LinkedIn, there are still specific sites that dominate the job market in countries like Australia. Have you ever heard of Neuvoo? In it, you can find job options or part-time internships that are ideal for those without a degree.

At these times, it is necessary to get rid of prejudices, as there are more vacancies in roles such as nanny, store attendant and dishwasher. But it is noteworthy that, with this experience, you will not only improve your English and earn extra money, you will also deal with your personal growth.

Ah, to be able to work legally outside of Brazil, you will have to include in your plans a visa that allows you to do this. Regulation changes between Anglophone countries. In Australia, for example, international students need to take a course of at least 14 weeks in length to be able to work up to 40 hours in 15 days. In New Zealand, international students can work up to 20 hours a week if they take a course of at least 14 weeks at a category 1 school, or choose a 24 week course and have IELTS 5.0 at a category 2 school.

7. Know yourself

This point is closely related to what we have already seen about how the exchange can positively affect the way you deal with your feelings (among them, homesickness). But it’s not just that! The truth is that living in another country, in addition to posing several challenges to your new life, will enable you to better control your thoughts.

At all times, the focus should be on you and the plans you have for your life. More than anything, you now need to be careful not to trip over old mistakes, as living alone will only increase your responsibilities-from health care and food to bill payments and regularity at school and work.

You will learn that facing problems is always the best way to move forward and, above all, you will begin to have clarity about what really makes you good, whether emotionally or financially. Also, be sure to take advantage of the moments alone to reflect on how you are living and what plans you want to live in the future.

But beware of anxiety! Don’t let the future take over your actions in the present! This little word, which is as old as humanity, is becoming increasingly common among young people. If you find yourself anxious, keep in mind that you need to slow down, whether you are in Brazil or abroad. By managing to dose these sensations, it will be possible to invigorate each feeling and, for sure, stand out in the exchange.

8. Trying out new education systems

Around the world, both study habits and the structure of the educational system change. As we’ve already said, Oceania stands out in terms of education. However, if you want to enroll in a course there (whether short-term, undergraduate or graduate), you need to better understand how the pedagogical network works.