It is no longer “Climate Change” anymore. An actual climate crisis is plaguing the world—unbearable heat waves, strong winds, wildfires, and torrential rains are the signs of it. The billions of tonnes of CO2 that humans send into the atmosphere every year makes this earth an “uncharted territory.” 

According to The Guardian, the planet-wide population plaguing the planet is caused by a few entities, 20 fossil fuel companies being at the forefront. So, most people believe that the climate crisis will avert when these companies take drastic measures. But, until then, should we keep our hands tied and do nothing? 

Doing nothing makes you an accomplice with these companies. Therefore, there is one thing you can do. Your home is where you can make the changes in your life. 

So, what are those ways that make your home more eco-friendly? Read on to learn about them.

  1. Install solar panels in your house

Solar panels use the uninterrupted energy emitted by the sun to create electricity to power your house. 

They do not require any fossil fuels to generate electricity; therefore, they cause no greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, energy generated by solar panels is considered clean and “green.”  

Installing solar panels is no longer difficult. Many countries like the US, Canada, and NZ are accelerating their efforts to transition to solar energy. 

In NZ, companies like SolarWorx are at the forefront of facilitating this transition. If you are unfamiliar with this company and reside in Wellington & Auckland, search “solarworx solar panels NZ,” and you will instantly reach their website. Companies like these provide all solar panel installation and design services. 

You can install solar panels on the rooftops or any other open spot where you get the maximum sunlight. Apart from the initial installation cost, transitioning to solar energy is very cost-effective. 

  1. Reduce your consumption

People are consuming too much and buying more than they require— it is an irrefutable truth and a reality. So, play your part by transforming your consumption habits. 

Think about all the times you had bought new clothes even when you needed none or bought veggies in bulk that you could not use and got spoiled later. Or, how many times have you impulsively grabbed bars of chocolate or jars of gummies at the checkout counter? 

You will be surprised to recall more such instances than you would really like to do.

So, it is time to stop. Think before you buy anything. The more you buy, the more packaging garbage you will create. Your closets will have more clothes than you need, and most of them will end up in landfills one way or the other.

Always contemplate your decisions when you think about shopping. Ask yourself: 

  • Do I need this? 
  • Where will I use it?
  • Do I have something at home that can make up for it?
  • Do I have space in the house to accommodate it? 
  • What purpose does it really serve me?

When you question your buying habits, think before impulsively buying anything, you buy less, save money and save your planet. 

  1. Reduce hot water use for laundry 

Heating water in the house makes up for the biggest energy bill. And laundry contributes to the considerable use of hot water. 

The cost of heating water is in addition to the cost of using the machine for doing your laundry. Therefore, even if you cannot afford to buy energy-star appliances, you can skip using hot water for laundry and other purposes in the house. You can run your washing machine on the cold water setting. 

Cold water can also deter damage to the color and fabric of your clothes. This way you don’t only reduce your energy consumption but also keep your clothes in good shape too. 

You only need hot water when washing stubborn oil stains. Otherwise, using hot water is nothing more than a waste of resources. 

  1. Install energy-efficient bulbs in your house

Energy-efficient bulbs have been present in the market for a long time now. But only recently has the public become more aware of their effectiveness in the house and eco-friendliness. 

They can curb your energy bill amount and last 12 times longer than the traditional bulbs. 

Energy-efficient light bulbs are also cool to touch and use less energy to generate the same amount of light as traditional halogen and filament bulbs. 

  1. Play your part in reducing fertilizer use

Fertilizers are causing a lot of damage to the environment. Dissolved fertilizers leech into water bodies and impact marine life. 

As for the food, they penetrate the outer layer of the food, impose a risk to human health and cause various diseases. You can play your part in reducing the use of fertilizers in your house. 

Have your herb garden and reduce the use of fertilizer-infused veggies. Herbs don’t take much space and proliferate. You can grow the herbs in the pots and put them near a sunny window. Herbs like mint also keep the house scented with a fresh aroma.

  1. Keep potted plants in your house

Some people resort to air purifiers to keep their houses clean. But air purifiers don’t run without electricity. Keeping potted plants in your house is a natural way to purify indoor air. 

Indoor plants also make your home look welcoming and fresh. Overall, keeping plants is more effective and eco-friendly. 

  1. Install low-flow shower heads

Your bathroom is one of those places in the house where you use the most water. Showers use 30% of the total water used in the house. One way to reduce this wastage is to install low-flow shower heads. 

Low-flow showerheads release 2 gallons or less water per minute, considerably less than traditional showers. 


The idea of purging your life of all the non-eco-friendly ways can feel overwhelming, but it is not, in reality. 

You might start thinking about big transformations in your life, such as moving to more eco-friendly buildings. But there are both big and small steps that can change your life. These ways can take you a long way on the road to making your house more sustainable and eco-friendly.

If you are interested in making your home more sustainable, the steps mentioned above are some ways to get you started.