Are you experiencing frequent allergies? Or perhaps inefficient cooling performance? These are just some of the common effects of dirty and insufficient airflow in your home. Improving the airflow is a pivotal aspect when owning HVAC equipment. It helps not just in providing comfort but also ensures optimum health within your surroundings. 

When it comes to AC repair in Phoenix, you can get help from HVAC experts like American Home Water and Air. So, go over the list below and ensure proper airflow in your own house.

1.  Schedule HVAC maintenance.

Having HVAC equipment is always associated with maintenance. It’s very important to schedule regular check-ups to prevent major issues in the future. It also makes certain that your unit works at its best. Though it may seem that new equipment does not need an annual tune-up, regular ventilation system servicing can make a vast difference in the working performance as well as the longevity of the unit. 

During tune-ups, the HVAC system is thoroughly inspected to clean the accumulated dirt and other harmful particles. It’s highly recommended to have your unit checked every year to ensure that the system is operating efficiently.

2.  Check up the vents. 

Another way to increase the airflow is by checking the vent to avoid any blockage. The position of the vents is also crucial. If there are pieces of furniture restricting the vent, this can block the air. Therefore, you have to make sure that there is no equipment obstructing the vent section. Drapes could also decrease the supply of air in your room. Accordingly, this will cost you more money because of the increased electricity bill.

Moreover, don’t miss to clear off any dust or dirt on the vents’ grill so the air that circulates throughout the system and into your home is clean. The vent cover holds the responsibility of redirecting the airflow from the system to the area where it is needed. 

Therefore, if you follow a zoned air conditioning, it’s important to close the vent grill in areas that do not require cooling. This way, the air traverses through the rooms with open vents and provides a better cooling temperature.

3.  Clean the air filters.

Air filters are a pivotal part of the HVAC system as they significantly influence the airflow in your home. Meanwhile, if your air filters are not regularly cleaned, there’s a high possibility of these being the cause of insufficient airflow in the system. As a result, the HVAC unit works harder to acquire and provide cool air. If the equipment continues to perform beyond its normal condition, this can largely affect its working power in the long run. In contrast, you can install a 14x20x1 air filters to keep dust and other microparticles away from the house. By keeping your filters clean, your system will run more simply and smoothly. An air filter system can remove the floating particles for you.

On top of that, dirty air filters may cause frequent allergies as the clogged dirt and dust in the system easily spreads across the rooms. Therefore, it’s advisable to clean the unit every 2 weeks during periods of heavy usage. Or you may change the filter every 3 months to keep everything in tiptop condition. When changing filters, ensure that it fits properly in the unit.

4.  Examine the ducts.

Vents and ducts are often linked with one another. Ducts, in particular, refer to the passages used in HVAC to deliver and remove air. These pathways are typically metal tubes that courses from the furnace throughout your home. The airflow covers different kinds of air, including supply air, exhaust air, return air, and ventilation air. 

While air filters serve as the barrier to dust, dirt, and other pollutants, there’s still a possibility of other particles entering the duct. With the likelihood of airborne contaminants sneaking inside the system, it’s a must to keep an eye on the ducts every now and then. Through this, it’s much easier to identify if there are leaks in the ductwork. 

Some common signs of a damaged duct include cold or hot spots in your home, dusty rooms, and higher utility bills. When sealing damaged ducts, don’t forget to wear preventive gear like a dust mask and some goggles. If you want to save time, you can relay the job to the experts. HVAC professionals can efficiently work on these issues and ensure that nothing is impeding the airflow.

5.  Invest in a good ventilator.

Did you know that a ventilator is one of the most practical investments in terms of airflow improvement? This notable device maintains clean indoor air quality by replacing stale air with fresh and filtered outdoor air. By ensuring that the air circulating in your home is fresh, a ventilator positively impacts your health. 

When choosing the right ventilator, there are some core factors you need to consider. These include the fan model, sound level, static pressure, and unit size. More than that, you need to understand that there are three main ventilator types―exhaust-only, supply-only, and balanced ventilation. 

If you want to take advantage of both exhaust and supply ventilation, then opt for the balanced type. Since this combines the key features of the two other types, it efficiently reduces air contaminants as well as easily controls the airflow in your home. But of course, you can expect the price for this one to be more expensive.

6.  Make use of ceiling fans from time to time.

Ceiling fans actually help in enhancing the air in your premises. But do take note that the direction of the ceiling fan can largely modify its working power. During hot, summer days, switch the fan in a counterclockwise direction for colder air. On the other hand, reverse the direction to a clockwise position during cold, winter nights for warmer air.

Moreover, you can try to alternate your air conditioner and ceiling fan to your comfort year-round. Or you may use both to maximize the effect of your AC even at a lower setting. Consequently, this saves you money on electricity bills.

Some key reminders

In a nutshell, these simple ways are very useful in enhancing the airflow that passes through the system and enters your home. So, be diligent in following these steps to avoid major problems in the future―whether it is related to your HVAC equipment or even your health.