Most of us live by the rule that if we want something to last long enough, we should put it in the fridge. It doesn’t matter what it is, the refrigerator is a long-life machine for most of us. 

However, there are actually plenty of foods that do not need to be kept in the fridge for them to keep. Actually, if we are honest, your fridge can actually make some foods deteriorate sooner than they otherwise would! 

It can kill off nutrients and flavor in some foods. 

So, for your cooking enthusiasts, check out and make sure you read on before you unload your groceries, so you know what things do not need to go in the fridge to be good! 

#1. Bread

We often throw bread in the refrigerator thinking it will make it last longer. However, that is not really the wisest thing you could do. In fact, it could actually be damaging to your bread. 

When you keep bread in cool, but not freezing environments, it can actually recrystallize the starch in the bread. This is what makes bread stale! So by refrigerating your bread you’re actually making it stale much faster than it otherwise would. 

The best thing to do for bread is to leave it at room temperature in an airtight container if you intend on using it in the space of a week. 

If you want to keep your bread for longer than a week, it is best to freeze it. 

#2. Coffee Beans

Your coffee beans don’t need to be chilled, and chilling them in the fridge actually makes it go downhill faster. The change of temperature from going in and out of a chilled environment builds up condensation. What does condensation do to your coffee? 

It slowly kills the flavor of your coffee! 

Also, coffee is very absorbent. So, it will absorb the flavors of whatever else is in the fridge. So, unless you really dig the concept of your coffee tastings like lettuce, ham, cheese, and half a pineapple, it’s best to keep it out of the fridge. 

You should instead store it in an opaque airtight container in a dry and cool place. 

#3. Melons

Watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe melons all contain antioxidants. However, the fridge can kill off these antioxidants, which is not what you want from your melons. Of course, let us not forget how melons are actually just much tastier when kept at room temperature anyway! 

You should store your whole melons on your counter, keeping them at room temperature for 1-2 weeks. Maybe add them to your fruit bowl!

#4. Garlic, Onions & Shallots

Garlic, onions, and shallots are all alliums, and none of them do well in refrigerated conditions. In fact, strangely, most people tend to keep garlic with their seasonings, but keep onions in the fridge. This is not the way to store things! Keep your onions and garlic in the same place, out of the fridge! 

You see, in high-humidity areas, which fridges are, these alliums absorb moisture, and they will start to turn soft. As they turn soft they will start to grow mold way before their time. 

Let’s not forget how all of these have a very potent odor, which they can transfer onto other foods in your fridge. We might love garlic, onion, and shallots in our dishes, but do you really want your yogurt, butter, and cheese to smell like garlic? 

Instead, you should be storing your garlic, shallots, and onions in a cool and dry place. It is ideal to have a root cellar or unheated basement for these. However, a pantry or even a cupboard can work As long as it is kept around 55 Fahrenheit.

#5. Potatoes

We are creatures of habit, and we pop our potatoes in the fridge simply because everything else goes there. However, potatoes should not go in the fridge. Much like with bread, the starch in these root vegetables turns into sugar when refrigerated. 

This starch into the sugar process results in sweet-tasting potatoes and a texture that is a bit gritty, even when you have cooked the potatoes. 

Instead, you should store your unpeeled and whole potatoes in cold, dark places. You want somewhere warmer than your fridge but cooler than normal room temperature. You can store them here for 2 months or so.

A root cellar is ideal for this, and so is a garage or unheated basement. 

You could store them at room temperature for 2 weeks in a mesh or paper bag though.