Did you know that three in every five people who stay alcohol-free for at least two years will remain that way for the rest of their lives?

If you’re already in the process of recovering from alcohol abuse, you’re aware of how much strength it takes to make this lifestyle shift. This is why it’s so important that you do everything in your power to make it less likely that you’ll have a relapse. 

To help you to figure out how to stay away from alcohol, we’ve broken down the top five tips for living a sober life. Keep reading and we’ll tell you what you need to know. 

1. Know What Your Personal Triggers Are

One of the most important things to do for staying sober is to know what your triggers are. Once you know this, it will be easier for you to make choices to avoid situations where you’ll feel these triggers. You can do this by creating an action plan. 

One of the most common triggers that people experience is stress. It’s not always possible to avoid stress, but what you can do is choose to participate in activities that will help you to manage your stress. Many people choose to participate in yoga and meditation when they want to decrease stress. 

2. Pay Attention to the Warning Signs of Relapse

If you’re not ready for it, it’s possible that a relapse will take you by surprise. This often happens when you don’t know how to identify the signs that it’s happening. 

One easy way to tell that you’re relapsing is when your thinking changes. You’re likely to start returning to addictive thought patterns. It’s also possible that you’ll start acting more impulsively. You can also tell if you are relapsing when you start seeking situations that involve alcohol. 

3. Grab an Alcohol-Free Beverage

Sometimes you just want to wet your lips. This doesn’t mean that you need to drink alcohol. If you’re looking for great-tasting alcohol-free beverages, be sure to check out the BrightLife website. 

4. Be Prepared for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Those who struggle with post-acute withdrawal syndrome (also known as PAWS) have long-lasting withdrawal symptoms which can last for up to two years. If you’ve stopped drinking for long enough for the typical withdrawal to pass yet you still feel the urge to drink, you might be suffering from PAWS. 

The best thing to do if you think you’re suffering from PAWS is to seek help from a healthcare professional. 

5. Create New Routines

Is there a sport you’ve always wanted to play or a hobby that you’ve been interested in picking up?  It’s a great idea to start taking part in new activities when you’re trying to live a sober life. 

Living a Sober Life: Take One Step at a Time

If you’re trying to live a sober life, it’s important to know what your triggers are. You should also start developing new routines and habits. 

Do you want to find out more about healthy living? If so, make sure to visit the Lifestyle section of our blog.