Even in today’s data-rich world, some people talk about leadership but never live out what they preach. A common pattern of narcissistic managers is that they can be insensitive and arrogant at best at the same time. While their narcissistic behaviours you won’t get to see in all situations, they often come across as competitive, tough and leader-like personalities. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a mental disorder in which they get abusive in high-pressure and stressful situations.

These narcissistic tendencies are always hungry for self-importance, and such qualities in a manager can spoil the working conditions. Moreover, they create a poisonous atmosphere, and this tendency can result in a decline in productivity and profitability. Even studies have found that having a bad manager with narcissistic boss signs can damage the morale and confidence of the staff and can be like a bad omen to the working atmosphere.

As, Narcissism is often mistaken as leadership potential, below we are listing some of the tendencies to check and beware of such managers.

  1. Insensitive to Employees

Narcissists are known to be friends with the people who agree with them. But they can be dangerous and intimidating by hurting you in public glare. They hardly regard the staff’s good feelings and needs and instead may also exploit them without proper compensation. 

  1. Uses Harmful Tactics to Degrade Employees.

They’re the ones who are afraid to challenge others and lower their self-esteem, and they might put unrealistic expectations to set you up for failure.

  1. Reluctant to Give Others Credit

People with narcissistic behaviour are unlikely to give credit to others for their performance as they feel this might hamper their ambitious agendas further. Moreover, to push their star power, they might even praise you only when they want something from you. 

  1. Form Selfish Bonds

A manager who uses his employees for selfish needs or his growth can harm one’s growth. This kind of management leads to unsatisfactory results and even disempowers employees to work autonomously. Recruitment opportunities in such companies prevent employees from forming deep relationships with their bosses.

  1. Sensitive to Criticism

Some narcissistic bosses are good at criticising others’ mistakes and boasting about their strengths. They usually make everything worse between their employees by thinking they’re the best rather than admitting their mistakes. 

  1. Takes Revenge

The educational qualification of a pathological narcissist is of high parameters, but they are even highly averse to criticism, and these narcissist bosses can take it as a personal attack. This fact might threaten the narcissist’s fragile sense tor, and they might even find a way to retaliate against those who spoke up.

  1. Breaks Ethical Norms

The notorious narcissist flaunts being ‘above’ the rules and ethical norms. To achieve their own goals, they might do whatever it takes to take others down and prove that their light shines more brightly than others. They only care about their own needs and may take large or small advantages of people and the system. If the employee’s performance threatens the narcissistic boss, they take credit for the work done by top talents. 

  1. Disrespects Others

Sometimes, they disrespect others’ time by cancelling and rescheduling meetings and sometimes scheduling overtime without extra pay. For this reason, employment rates in such companies get hampered, and fresh talents don’t get to see the day. 

  1. Harbours Negative and Toxic Emotions

Another prevalent sign of narcissistic managers is that they may have some trouble managing their temper. They might use it as a weapon to keep people in line. They will speak very rudely and with authority, and people will often feel inferior to them. While they use aggression as a manipulation tool, they quickly shift their mood and manage their anger control tactics. 

  1. Abuses Employees

Usually, narcissistic managers are emotionally abusive. They boost their fragile ego by criticising and ridiculing others and might even go to lengths by being dishonest and sabotaging others.


The above-listed signs show that your boss might be a narcissist and can be vulnerable to the slightest criticism. They might make some fantastic first impressions, but later on, you might feel duped as you get to discover his personality and might feel that he isn’t the person he portrays. Managing your boss is difficult, and you don’t have the power to change his behaviour. But by knowing these warning signs mentioned above, you can at least protect yourself from this havoc. Recognising what your boss is doing can help you from selfish behaviours, and you can speak up against his behaviours. By maintaining composure and diplomatically handling his atrocities, you can negotiate successfully with narcissists and even get the power utilised to compel cooperation from other colleagues.