A lot of divorce cases involve long legal battles, family disputes, emotional stress, and so on. However, all of this can be avoided if the divorce process is collaborative. In a collaborative divorce case, the couple avoids the long lasting legal battles and tries to solve the matter among themselves with the help of attorneys that help them to come to a mutual settlement. These attorneys are called collaborative divorce lawyers.

Tips to Hire a Good Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

Hiring collaborative divorce lawyers is always better than going through the courtroom trial. Below are some tips that you can use before hiring a collaborative divorce lawyer.

  1. Look for the right qualifications of the lawyer

One of the important things that you would want to look for in a collaborative divorce lawyer is their qualification. For a lawyer to offer you the needed expertise, they should have undergone all the necessary training.

2. Go for a lawyer with relevant experience

Another important point to consider is the lawyer’s experience. You should always try to go for a lawyer who has handled similar cases successfully in the past. 

3. Know the benefits of the collaborative approach

In case you are not sure about whether collaborative divorce is the right way to go, then you should talk to your attorney and know the benefits this process has over the traditional divorce trial. 

4. The lawyer about his plans for your case

Every divorce case is unique and has its individual challenges, so it is important that you ask your lawyer about how they plan to approach your case, and what ideas they have in mind going ahead.

5. Know if the lawyer is competent enough to resolve a child custody issue

A divorce procedure becomes even more complex when there are children involved. That is why before hiring a collaborative lawyer, you should check if they are competent enough to solve the custody issues out of court. 

6. Check the previous client reviews

Going through the reviews of previous clients whose cases the lawyer has handled will help you to get an idea about the lawyer’s competency and professionalism.

7. Ask the lawyer about their approach if you and your partner fail to reach a mutual settlement

It may very well happen that you and your partner won’t be able to reach a mutual understanding. In most cases the lawyer would suggest you go through a mediation process. So before you hire them, ask them to walk you through the solution if this happens. 

8. Know the overall expenses that you may expect from the whole procedure

The collaborative divorce process may include many professional fees and out of pocket expenses. Before you go on with the procedure it is better to discuss with your lawyer about all these expenses to get a clear idea about how much money you would be spending. 

9. Get an idea about how long the entire divorce process may take

There is no way you can know how long the divorce process will go. A collaborative divorce may take less time than a trial, so you can talk to your lawyer to ask them the approximate period of time according to their perspective and expertise. 

10. Ask the lawyer about any other professionals that may be involved in your divorce process

There may be other professionals like financial experts, child specialists, and divorce coaches involved in your divorce process. It is better to ask your lawyer about these professionals that may be a part of your divorce team.

If you are looking for one then get in touch with the best collaborative divorce lawyer that will help you reach a mutual settlement without having to go through a trial.