It can be disheartening to hear that May 2022 was one of the warmest Mays on record. After all, it may leave you wondering what you can do to help combat the effects of climate change.

However, you’re in luck! You can make simple changes at home to help save the environment. An added bonus is that many of these tips will also save you money, as you’ll be consuming less.

Though an eco-friendly home may seem hard to implement, it’s fairly easy. Plus, you don’t need to live like a hermit in order to help the environment. 

If you’re unsure how to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, keep reading for some of the best tips and tricks to inspire you to save the earth at home. 

1. Invest in Smart Appliances

One of the best ways to help the environment at home is to purchase smart appliances and electrical service. These limit the number of finite resources like electricity and water they use to perform their task.

Though it may sound like using less affects their efficiency, you’d be surprised by how well these appliances perform!

For example, a smart washer will use less water in smaller loads to prevent unnecessary water waste. The system works by detecting the weight of your load and releasing the perfect amount of water to effectively clean your clothes – no more, no less. 

You can also install smart devices around your home, like a smart thermostat. These have the technology to regulate the temperature in your home, automatically turning off your central air or heat when your home reaches the desired temperature.

Plus, installing smart devices around your home not only improves the resale value of your home but will help generate more interest from buyers, as eco-friendly living is a great money saver!

2. Install Insulation

There’s nothing worse than a drafty home. This means you’ll have to crank up the air conditioner in the summer to make up for the cool air escaping your home! Similarly, in the winter, you’ll raise the heat to combat the cold air sneaking into your home. 

This can be a waste, as you’re not paying to heat and cool the outdoors! Instead, preventing the outdoor air from entering your home is crucial, as it will save you money and help the environment.

Installing new insulation in your home is a significant help, as it means you can lower your heating and cooling units, thus using less electricity. Not only will this help your utility bills, but it s also extremely beneficial for the environment.

Also, installing new windows can help combat the hot sun during the summer, meaning the heat from the rays won’t warm up the inside of your home as easily. However, you can invest in new weather stripping to help block the draft from windows if you don’t want to replace them.

3. Invest in Solar Panels

One of the most effective ways to help the environment is to invest in solar panels. This renewable source of energy production is a significant help to the environment and can help combat the impacts of pollution. 

Unlike other forms of producing electricity, which consume finite fossil fuels and release harmful greenhouse gases into the air, the sun is an infinite source of clean energy.

Solar panels work by using photovoltaic cells to capture the rays of the sun, transforming them into energy. This energy is then used to power your home, meaning you can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bill.

Though solar panels can be a pricey upfront investment, they pay themselves off in the money you save month to month. Plus, when you hire solar panel installation pros, they last for decades, so you don’t have to worry about spending money to replace them.

Another misconception about solar panels is that they don’t work at night. While they cannot produce energy, you can still use the power it has created throughout the day in your home. 

4. Buy Secondhand

Unfortunately, secondhand or thrift shopping has a stigma surrounding it. These items are often viewed as dingy, dirty, and damaged. However, this is untrue!

However, buying secondhand items for your home is a great way to live more sustainably. As the furniture already exists, you can help lower the demand for new products, thus reducing the number of materials wasted.

When furniture is produced, it consumes valuable resources like wood, water, and textiles. As factories create these materials, they release harmful waste into the environment, like contaminated run-off and VOCs from chemicals used in furnishing.

Buying secondhand items helps reduce the demand for newly produced objects while also helping you create a unique and individual interior. 

As many pieces discovered in thrift shops are in good condition, you can place them in your home as-is. However, if you like DIY projects, you can transform these pieces to perfectly fit your vision.

From home furnishings and decor to clothing and books, you can find nearly everything you need at your local secondhand or thrift store. You can also set up swap meets in your community to help embrace sustainability. 

5. Grow Your Own Garden

If you want to make an impact and live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, starting your own garden is a great way to make a difference. 

Not only can yielding your own produce help the environment, but it’s also a fun hobby! Many find gardening a great way to reconnect with nature. Plus, nothing tastes better than a fresh vegetable you grew yourself!

Buying produce from the grocery is easy and convenient, but transportation from farm to store can harm the environment, as the trucks release emissions. By lessening the demand for cross-country produce by growing your own, you can make an impact!

Researching the best fruit and vegetables to gown in the upcoming seasons is crucial to ensuring you have a successful yield.

If you don’t have the space for a garden in your yard or your rooftop, you can invest in smaller herbs to grow in your home. As long as they have sun and water, you can still enjoy the benefits.

6. Make Simple Swaps

One of the worst things for the environment is the throw-away culture that many live by. Instead of reusing or repurposing materials, they are discarded and end up in landfills. 

However, you can reduce the amount of waste you produce in your home by making eco-friendly swaps. The first thing you’ll want to do is stop buying single-use products.

Many think single-use products are cheaper, but, in reality, you have to continuously purchase them. This adds up over time, becoming significantly more expensive than the reusable option you have to buy once.

Instead of buying paper plates and plastic cups, using your dishware is much better for the environment. Similarly, switching from plastic water bottles to a single reusable bottle can make a massive difference in how much you throw out.

You can also look up different ways to repurpose and reuse items you don’t need anymore. This is a great way to reduce waste while also helping you save money as you won’t need to buy new objects. 

7. Watch Your Water

Though everyone loves to take a luxurious hot shower after a long day at work, the amount of water you use can quickly add up.

Reducing the amount of water you use in your home is a great way to conserve this finite resource. Limiting showers to five minutes and investing in low-maintenance landscaping can help you cut back on your water consumption.

One way to limit how much water you consume is to invest in a low-flow toilet. This reduces the amount of water wasted per flush while ensuring you’re toilet works well.

If you don’t want to hire a plumber to replace your toilet, you can DIY the project. All you’ll need is a water bottle filled with gravel to place in the tank. This will offset the amount of water per flushing, helping you use less.

You can also invest in a soft water filter for your home. This helps reduce the amount of calcium and other materials in your water that contributes to the build-up of soap scum in your tub. This means you’ll waste more water trying to keep your home clean!

8. Avoid Electricity When Possible

Let’s be honest; we all love our electricity. We aren’t in the 1800s, after all! This modern amenity is extremely helpful, and something many wouldn’t be able to live without.

However, you don’t have to rely on your electricity all the time. Reducing your dependence on power is not only good for the environment, but your wallet and mental health will benefit!

Spending time in nature away from the TV and electricity can help improve your mental health. Reading books, practicing art, and exercising outside reduces your time spent consuming electricity while also helping you feel more connected with yourself.

However, there are other, less extreme ways to cut back. For example, air-drying your clothes is a great way to reduce your electricity use, as you won’t need to power up your dryer. Simply turning the lights off when you leave the room is a significant help!

9. Minimalist Mindset

If you’re looking to incorporate green living into your decor, you may think your home has to look like it came straight from the hippie era. However, you can still live green in the modern age!

Minimalism is a great way to be eco-friendly while keeping your home with the times. If the sight of clutter is too much for you, this style is ideal. This interior design style doubles as a lifestyle, meaning they co-exist perfectly.

The pinnacle of minimalism centers around reducing your consumption and consumerism; less is more! Minimalist interior design features carefully curated and placed furniture, never buying more than what’s necessary.

Though many think minimalism is cold and uninviting, this is untrue. Sprucing up your space with plants and warm furniture can help make your home look more welcoming.

Many minimalist pieces are also multi-functional, helping reduce the need for extra furniture pieces. For example, an ottoman doubles as a footrest and a storage solution, which prevents you from buying a separate piece to store blankets and other items. 

10. Use Sustainable Building Materials

Finally, one of the best ways to create a green home is through the foundation! What you use to build your home is just as crucial to the environment as what goes inside of your home. 

Using sustainable building materials is crucial to building a home that’s eco-friendly. 

Materials like reclaimed wood, cork, bamboo, and stone in the construction of your home lessen the demand for other finite resources. Plus, these materials can last longer, reducing the need for repairs down the line. 

These materials are less harmful than other options, as they don’t contain harsh chemicals or compounds. Not only will these chemicals be released into the environment when unsustainable materials are used, but they can also affect your health!

Transform Your House Into an Eco-Friendly Home

Embracing a green lifestyle is not only beneficial for the environment, but it can also save you money in the long run!

Though it may seem like nothing you do will help improve the state of the environment, if everyone makes a small change to embrace eco-friendly living, it can make a massive difference. 

If you found this guide to creating an eco-friendly home inspiring, you should check out the rest of our website. You’ll discover more helpful home improvement content to help you design the home of your dreams.