We’ve recently witnessed different reformations in our educational institutions that enabled students to pursue academic excellence in a flexible but efficient manner. However, many students remain ignorant of these opportunities today. One of these approaches involves pursuing two educational qualifications simultaneously. Called “conjoint-degree programs,” these options allow students to study two different subjects at the same. In other words, you’ll receive two separate degrees after investing as much time as people normally spend on obtaining just one. Remember that it’s not a double major; you’re studying two distinct areas of study at once. Let’s explain how these double degrees benefit students’ careers now:

The merits of earning double degrees

Let’s assume you’re interested in earning an MBA to pursue a career in the business industry. But you also prefer earning additional credentials in another subject to complement your business expertise. So, what do you propose now? Most students will earn these two degrees one by one. But what if you don’t have time to pursue two degrees separately? These students can pursue a conjoint-degree program that allows them to study two separate subjects at the same time. You must face a heavier course workload, and these programs are more burdensome academically. But there are certain benefits of getting these double degrees that have convinced many students to pursue this option. Let’s discuss these benefits:

  1. Become more competitive

Since double-degree programs are available online today, students can easily obtain a competitive advantage over their peers. For example, you can now master the worlds of health and business simultaneously by completing an MHA MBA dual degree online and reshape the health industry with your business expertise. These conjoint-degree programs allow you to enhance your experience studying two distinct faculties at the same time. That’s how you can gain credentials that are far superior to your rivals.

  1. Pursue your passions

Are you passionate about two distinct subjects but can pursue only one? Today, many students seem interested in two fields but sacrifice these passions to study just one degree. However, conjoint-degree programs enable students to pursue both passions simultaneously. Explore your interests as you attain academic expertise in different faculties today. Even if your passions appear worlds apart, double-degree programs don’t discriminate. Students can combine STEM degrees with liberal arts.

  1. Deepen your knowledge

You can select two closely-aligned degrees to deepen your knowledge about a certain subject. These conjoint-degree programs allow you to complement your specialization by studying more topics that enhance your know-how. Now, you can gain in-depth knowledge about your majors, thereby honing your academic expertise. We suggest students carefully choose these two degrees to ensure the conjoint-degree program boosts their academic excellence. Deepen your knowledge productively.

  1. Double your network

Students obtaining degrees from well-established academic institutes can establish proper networks with relevant people. So, you can leverage these networks in the future to expand the prospects of finding desired jobs. But double-degree programs allow students to establish more such networks in academic institutes. We believe that these networking opportunities have become essential for any student to find jobs after graduation. Getting double degrees can help you create better networks.

  1. Learn new things

Tackling two distinct subjects can help you gain exposure to new things, thereby expanding your horizon. These dual-degree programs let students decide which academic pathways they should pursue in the future. Therefore, students can enjoy some hands-on experience in chosen fields while narrowing down their options gradually. This exposure makes your future career clearer to you.

  1. Enhance your employability

Joining conjoint-degree programs can drastically enhance a student’s employability. Many students often inquire: “Is it worth getting two degrees?” A study shows students obtaining dual degrees are 40% more likely to find full-time work than single-degree graduates. Moreover, these programs can even revalue those degrees considered “useless” on their own. But, joined with, let’s say, a STEM degree, these “useless” degrees can now make you a sought-after entrant in an interview.

  1. Takes two years

You may have read online that double-degree programs take 5-6 years to finish. However, that isn’t true for every conjoint-degree program! It depends on your diligence; you may obtain these degrees in as few as two years. Ensure you’ve chosen the right degrees for your academic progress. You can obtain two degrees in any two fields in just twenty-four months by focusing all your energy on your studies now. Attain your double master’s in two years and gain a competitive advantage.

  1. Continue the momentum

Students often abandon the intention to pursue another degree because of boredom, exhaustion, or just other activities. Now, you don’t have to let anything get in the way of your academic continuity. A student can complete two degrees simultaneously from a reputable institute through double-degree programs. These programs prevent students from succumbing to post-graduation roadblocks where the person’s progress remains halted due to life’s plans. Get the second degree with the first one.

  1. Save your time

Pursuing double degrees will require students to become excessively hardworking. However, getting these degrees at the same time doesn’t double the workload. Your study hours in a conjoint-degree program are fewer than in a single-degree program. Also, some institutes structure these programs in such a way students focus on a single degree for one entire semester. You may also select to study the vital parts of these two degrees only. There are many options for you to save some time.

  1. Save your money

Different academic institutes offer cost-effective conjoint-degree programs that enable students to save money on their studies. Completing two degrees traditionally costs more than getting both of them simultaneously. Moreover, mutual crediting leads to certain courses being overlapped. It allows students to finish the same course and get credited twice. These facilities have encouraged more students to pursue double degrees and obtain two credentials in two years after hard work.


Why should students earn double degrees? Some experts assessed the average earnings of students who graduated between 2009 and 2015. They realized that double-majored graduates made more than their single-majored counterparts, thereby indicating the value of pursuing two fields simultaneously. Studies further showed that the students with two STEM degrees earned 9.5% more than the students who had only a single qualification. Thus, joining a conjoint-degree program can bolster your earning potential.

This method enhances your employability while deepening your knowledge. You can connect with more associates and expand your network. If you’re passionate about two distinct subjects, this option can help you leverage this enthusiasm for academic excellence. You can save both time and money when you pursue double degrees at the same time. It makes you more competitive as you’re learning new things. That’s why we suggest more students pursue conjoint-degree programs to create a better future now.