Blood circulation is essential for a healthy and functional body. If it’s bad, it causes numbness, pain, and muscle cramps, among other things. And research shows that there are several different causes of poor circulation, including peripheral artery disease, diabetes, obesity, and more.

There are many ways to improve blood circulation, including adding foods known for their circulation-enhancing properties to your diet, such as the 10 superfoods listed here. And there are a lot of other things you can do to improve your blood circulation, just daily exercise – a heel raise you can do at home, go for a walk or swim – quit smoking, stay warm. . in winter and avoid wearing restrictive clothing. Here are 10 super foods to help improve blood circulation:

1. Citrus Fruits

10 Food Items That Help To Improve Blood Circulation

Citrus fruits are a very good source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C can also help strengthen your immune system. Citrus fruits also have anti-inflammatory properties. All of these citrus properties can help purify the blood and improve poor circulation.

2. Salmon

10 Food Items That Help To Improve Blood Circulation

Salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential for general health. The American Heart Association recommends consuming two servings per week. Research shows that a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids leads to poor circulation, according to the National Institutes of Health.

3. Turmeric

10 Food Items That Help To Improve Blood Circulation

Turmeric, also called “the golden spice of India”, is a gem for blocking arteries and improving circulation, thanks to the chemical curcumin which gives it its color.

4. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E which helps prevent blood clots from forming. They are excellent for helping to improve circulation. The same goes for foods such as olives, nuts and pumpkin seeds,

5. Dark chocolate

Cocoa contains flavonoids which are found naturally in plants and fruits and which are well linked to improving blood circulation. A study published in the Circulation Journal showed that dark chocolate rich in natural flavonoids improves blood circulation compared to white chocolate without flavonoids.

Other Interesting Article :- Health Benefits Of Eating Dried Fruits Daily

6. Ginger root

Ginger is known to relieve nausea and digestive issues as well as increase blood circulation. It can be eaten raw or added to food or why not try ginger tea.

7. Garlic

Garlic has many uses and one of them is that it cleanses the blood and helps prevent plaque buildup. Other bulb group foods such as radishes, onions, and leeks are also good for stimulating blood circulation.

8. Beet juice

10 Food Items That Help To Improve Blood Circulation

You may have read that beets are great for athletes because they increase nitric oxide levels, which helps increase blood flow and get oxygen to the muscles faster. Drinking beet juice is a great way to improve circulation, even if you are not an athlete.

9. Watermelon

Improve Blood Circulation

Watermelons are high in lycopene which is a natural antioxidant linked to better circulation. Lycopene is a natural pigment that gives certain foods their reddish color. Tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and apricots also contain lycopene.

10. Goji berries

Goji berries can be found in health food stores and resemble raisins. They are high in fiber to strengthen the immune system and increase blood circulation.