There are more than 200,000 pharmacy jobs in the US, and just one job description can’t describe them all. Pharmacists can practice in a wide range of locations, including independently owned drugstores, national grocery stores, healthcare facilities and military posts.

(Check out this California pharmacy license defense attorney)

Despite their diverse professional backgrounds, pharmacists carry out the following duties in their daily work: 

Administer prescriptions 

This entails dispensing medications to patients, making a bottle label, and counting out tablets. 

Communicate with patients 

Whenever a prescription order is unclear or might be harmful to a patient, you should confirm the dosage and formulation (for example, liquid or tablet) as well as whether a brand’s product is good for the patient or if there is an alternative that would suffice.

Make sure patients are safe 

Every time a patient gets a new prescription or a refill,  you should have a look at their medication history. This is the best method for a pharmacist to stop the usage of potentially harmful drugs.

Counsel patients

This goes beyond simply providing information on the negative side effects of drugs, food, alcohol, and drinks. To ensure that medications are working, patients are counseled on how to take their medications, when to take them, how to reduce the side effects while increasing the benefits of their medications, and how to express any concerns they may have.

Work on the general health status of all patients 

More than just prescribing drugs, pharmacists are needed to maintain the health status of all patients around them. Pharmacists are required to give patients tips on using over-the-counter medicines, taking vitamins, using health supplements, using herbal and natural health products, exercising, and eating healthfully.

Communicate with insurance providers 

This is mostly important for independent pharmacies. Pharmacists must submit insurance claims, deal with Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance providers to secure payment, and resolve coverage denials. 

Supervise staff 

Pharmacists are ultimately responsible for these “three Rs”, which are the right medicine, the right patient, and the right dose. To adequately perform this obligation, you must supervise the work of pharmacy students, intern students, and residents, and also serve as their mentor. Making recruiting decisions, creating and enforcing workplace standards, and overseeing pharmacies are additional tasks of pharmacy owners and managers.

Carry out administrative duties 

Everyone in a pharmacy has duties related to maintaining patient files, making sure necessary products are stocked, and generating and filing required reports. If you work as a manager or supervisor, you should spend as much time as necessary on administrative tasks in addition to patient care. 

Stay in touch with coworkers 

In the Healthcare Industry, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals should be informed about new drugs and drug therapy procedures.

Additional Note: by now I believe you’re no longer ignorant of what pharmacists do. No doubt, they are not less than the doctors or nurses. They all perform different roles to achieve a common goal which is health and wellness. If you think one is more important than the other then you’re wrong. They should be accorded respect just as other fields.