Experience in project management is any experience that falls within the five different phases of the process that are outlined by the PMP Initiation, Planning Execution Monitoring and Controlling, and finally, Closing. Even if you don’t hold the title “Project Director” in your CV, it’s likely you’ve worked in a position that falls under one of these categories.

What exactly is Project Management Experience?

You’re now ready to be certified as a professional project manager with the PMP Bootcamp. However, when you look at the requirements for many of the most popular certifications, you’ll notice that a lot of them require proof that you’ve managed and managed projects. (Like lots of hours.)

You probably think it’s the typical encounter trap. You require expertise to obtain the certification to get an opportunity to work. But, you must have the certification to be hired to get the expertise. It’s not.

There is a good chance that you have experience in project management. It’s just a matter of knowing where to search.

Experience isn’t only about managing.

Before we begin, let’s take a glance at some prerequisites. Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is one of the most sought-after certifications within the field. In order to be eligible for the exam, you will need to have 7500 hours of experience managing and leading the execution of projects (a take note about this will be provided later).

If you hold an undergraduate degree or higher, you are eligible for 4500 hours of work experience in leading and managing projects. You could be eligible for Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification with 1,500 hours of project management experience and 23 credits of education in project management.

The language used to describe “leading and leading and directing” on the PMP site is intimidating. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Even if “project manager” does not appear as a job title on your application, you could still apply your project-related experience towards your certification. Here’s how.

To be eligible for PMP certification, the knowledge is divided into five distinct categories:

  • Initiation In this stage the project is officially presented to a sponsor. The scope of the project is initially discussed.
  • Planning The full scope of the project is specified.
  • Execution – Once everything is written in writing, the task begins.
  • Monitoring and Controlling Project managers monitor reviews, control, and progress of their projects.
  • Closing It is the final stage when the client can sign off on the project.

When you think of these categories, take a moment to think about everything you’ve accomplished at work or outside of work. You don’t have to be the leader of an entire project from beginning to completion for you to record those hours. Instead, gather your experience across these areas. You may have conceived and started an initiative or implemented a plan for a project within a process team.

For various positions it could be like this:

  • Initiation – Team leader for React website development for X company
  • Plan – Planned Infrastructure Upgrade for X company
  • Execution – DevOps support for X project
  • Monitoring and Controlling – QA Lead for X part of X project
  • Closing Software developer to release the X project

It’s normal to possess more knowledge in a particular aspect than the other. In fact, you should.

Participation in the experience

The most important thing to consider is, how do you gain this experience? There are a variety of ways that you can take on the role of a project leader without having a certification already in place.

Workplace Experience: Find ways to gain project leadership experience in your own company. Even if you’re not a project manager, you could easily take on the project (if you haven’t started working on any already). Even if there’s no management of projects, you could count your part in the execution or in the monitoring and control.

The experience of a Volunteer: It can be uncomfortable to work for free however it’s an excellent method to gain many hours of experience. CBT Nuggets trainer Jeremy Cioara is an enthusiastic supporter of volunteering to acquire technical knowledge. For example, in creating the WiFi network in an institution or creating an online presence for a non-profit, you’re getting knowledge in all five areas.

Projects for side: If you have more time, you can take on an additional job. There are freelance projects available for management jobs. It’s as simple as going out and connecting.

While working towards certification, note every minute you work on your tasks, and then divide the work into the proper groups. This will make it much easier when it comes to hand your work documentation to the company. Be sure to request each project leader for an address to help make an audit process simpler.

Keep precise notes of your experiences.

Project managers have told us that the toughest portion of certification isn’t the exam. It’s capturing the years of work you’ve done. Let’s take a look:

You’ll need to work for 4,500 hours to qualify to be a PMP. When you’re working an aspect of your work for 40 hours a week, you’ll need to consider the equivalent of two and a half years of work experience. Can you recall the activities you participated in during February two years ago?

It’s best to document your experience throughout the process -and focus on being precise. The most significant risk is that you could be assessed on the knowledge, which means you’ll need to obtain an official signature from the head of the project to prove that you put the required number of hours that you claim you performed.