Most people who seek a web developer or designer in Columbus, Ohio have no idea what they really need. As a result, this often leads to a lot of time being wasted for both parties involved in the project. They do not realize that there is a process to follow when making this critical decision about their web development Columbus. Let’s take a look at some steps to improve your RFP success rate.

What is a website RFP?

A Request for Proposal is a document used to solicit proposals from potential vendors for a specific project. The document typically contains information about the scope of the project, the goals of the project, the timeline for the project, the requirements for the project, the evaluation criteria for the project, and the responsibilities of the vendor. 

How to improve your website’s RFP success rate

1. Don’t write an RFP before you’re ready to execute the project

The biggest mistake that companies make is starting the RFP process early. This sends the wrong message to web developers and designers. It tells them that you might not be serious about executing the project.

If a website development company or web designer spends a lot of time developing a proposal for a project that you are not sure you are going to execute, chances are they will not be able to spend as much time on other projects.

2. Start by identifying the goals and priorities of your redesign project

You must start by clearly defining your objectives and priorities. For example, if you want a new website, what are the reasons? Is it to increase sales? Improve brand awareness? Attract new customers? Define your objectives and priorities.

Now you need to clearly define the goals for the project. For example, you can define goals by increasing site visits by 10 percent, reducing bounce rate by 20 percent, etc.

3. Don’t send out unsolicited RFPs

Did you know that over 80 percent of unsolicited RFPs go unread? Whether you have a project team or not, don’t send out RFPs for website redesigns before you are ready to move forward with the project.

You should send out RFPs when the project is ready to go – the project team is in place, the budget is ready to be spent, and the goals are set.

4. Identify a shortlist of potential agencies you may want to work with first

Once it’s clear that the project is ready to move forward, you should use a systematic approach to search for the right agency. For example, you can search online for a “web development agency near me” to find the best agencies.

Organize a list of potential partners, and include them in the RFP. Only include vendors with the experience, resources, and reputation for handling your project.

Generic questionnaires and long lists of questions do not work well in RFPs. Instead, you should use a customized questionnaire and get in touch with each candidate.

5. Set up preliminary meetings with your pre-shortlist in advance of the RFP

After you compile the RFP, send it out to the prospective partners. Then, see who responds within the timeframe you specify in the RFP.

For those who don’t respond by the deadline, cancel the meeting.

When you meet with prospective partners, it’s essential to make it a preliminary meeting. Briefly explain what you want to do, explain the project’s goals, and ask for suggestions.

6. Clearly define the scope and technical requirements and seek cost ranges, not firm pricing

When it comes to pricing, it’s essential to make sure that everyone is clear on the project’s scope, technical requirements, and other considerations.

The market is very competitive, and vendors will often give you a wide range of options. Remember, you’re not buying the product yet, so asking for a firm price is wrong.

7. Don’t ask for specifics, but provide generalities.

If you want to get the best option, give a general overview of what you want, but don’t get too detailed. Instead, give them a high-level overview and let them come up with a proposal.

In fact, you should never reveal specific requirements until the bids are in.

8. Share your budget, but don’t let that be the primary factor

This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when buying products and services. When it comes to IT, try not to make cost the number one criterion when selecting a vendor.

Instead of focusing on cost, focus on the capabilities of the product and solution. Will it solve your problems? Will it speed up processes? If the product is a solution, then the cost will take care of itself.

9. Explain your evaluation process, project timeline, and follow-up with all parties involved

Before starting the project, let everyone know how the selection process will work. This includes the evaluation process, including all of the criteria you outlined in your Request for Proposal. The evaluation process and the timeline should be outlined in writing and shared with all parties involved.

And don’t forget to follow up! This is the most common mistake, resulting in dissatisfied customers who didn’t receive the product or service.

10. Don’t just copy and paste from someone else’s RFP

There are a lot of RFP templates on the internet that you can copy and paste, but do not do that! These templates are often outdated, and you need to update them with your organization’s specific requirements.

Instead, use these templates as a guideline, and then modify and personalize them to suit your business.


There you have it, 10 tips for writing an enterprise-class Request for Proposal for your next web design project. See how these tips can help you win projects and remember to find the right partner for you by searching on Google for “web design services near me.”