As a content marketer, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve and know what’s trending before it becomes mainstream. This helps you create relevant content that resonates with your audience and provides value.

One tool that can be extremely helpful in this process is Google Trends. This blog post will explore how to use Google Trends for content marketing in 2022. We’ll discuss how to set up alerts, what trends to look for, and how to incorporate trending topics into your content strategy.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a website launched in 2006 that shows how often particular terms are searched for on the internet. The website uses data from Google Search to show how often particular terms are entered into the search engine. You can use Google Trends to measure the popularity (or lack thereof) of certain topics, questions, or ideas.

Read on to know how you can create the perfect strategy to rank on top with great website content services.

8 Ways to Use Google Trends for Building a Content Marketing Plan

Google Trends is a great tool for building a content marketing and SEO plan and staying up to date on the latest industry trends. Here are eight ways you can use Google Trends to your advantage:

  1. Perform keyword research

Google Trends is a valuable tool for any business owner or marketing professional. By keeping tabs on the latest industry trends, you can ensure that your business is always up-to-the-minute.

To use Google Trends, simply enter a topic or keyword you want to track. You can then see how that topic has been trending over time. You can also compare multiple topics to see which one is being searched for more.

  1. Find related terms and keywords

If you want your content to be more relevant and searchable, you can use related terms and keywords to make it more discoverable. This can be done by adding related terms and keywords to your content and your website and social media profiles. Including these terms and keywords can help your content reach a larger audience and be more likely to be found by those searching for its topics.

Including related terms and keywords can also help your content to rank higher in search engines, making it more likely to be seen by potential customers and clients. If you’re unsure which terms and keywords to use, several tools can help you research and find the right ones for your business.

  1. See how interest in certain topics has changed over time

Google Trends is a great tool that allows you to see how interest in certain topics has increased or decreased over time. This can be a great way to gauge the public’s opinion on a particular issue or to see how popular a particular topic is. You can also use Google Trends to see how interest in a topic has changed in different parts of the world.

  1. Target different geographic regions

Google Trends data can help you gauge which topics are most popular in different geographic regions.

For example, if you’re a business selling winter sports equipment, you’ll want to focus your efforts on areas where people search for terms related to winter sports. You can use Google Trends to see which regions are most interested in winter sports at any given time. This can help you decide where to target your marketing efforts and ensure reaching the people most likely to be interested in your products.

  1. Determine the best time to publish your content

As a content creator, you want your work to be seen by as many people as possible. Google Trends can analyze your target audience to understand the time they are most active online.

One way to do this is to look at when people are actually searching for your topic. This will give you an idea of the best time to publish your content so that it has the greatest chance of being seen by those looking for it.

All your investments in web content writing will show the best results when you ensure that people notice the content.

  1. Get ideas for blogs and website content

One of the best ways to develop ideas for blog posts and articles is to use Google Trends. This tool lets you see what people are searching for on the internet and can be a great source of inspiration for content.

Simply enter in a keyword or phrase that you want to write about. Google will show you how popular that search term is and how it has changed over time.

Once you have a list of potential topics, you can start researching and brainstorming to develop ideas for your content. Check out website content writing services to boost your SEO strategy and take your brand to the next level.

  1. Compare keywords for accuracy

People use different keywords when searching for the same thing. So, how do you know you’re using the right keywords? The best way to find out is to compare keywords.

Comparing keywords is simple. Just take two or more keywords and enter them into Google. Then, compare the results. The results with the most hits are likely the best keywords to use.

  1. Understand your target audience

Google Trends is a valuable tool for understanding your target market. You can use it to research what people are searching for online and then use that information to market your business more effectively.

For example, let’s say you sell hiking gear. You can use Google Trends to see how popular hiking is as a keyword. If it is trending upwards, you can be more confident that there is a market for your products. You can also use the filters to narrow your results by location, time period, and more.

Google Trends is a powerful tool that content marketers can use to predict future trends. By understanding how to use Google Trends, content marketers can produce relevant and useful content for their audiences.

In 2022, content marketing will continue to be an important part of digital marketing, and Google Trends can help content marketers stay ahead of the curve. If you’re looking for help with your content marketing, explore website content writing services to get started today.