BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies are created to allow employees to use their own devices, such as laptops and tablets, for work purposes. This can be a great way to save money on tech while still being able to communicate with the team.

However, there are some things you should remember when creating BYOD policies. Your staff can have the best BYO mobile plans or the most top-of-the-line devices, but without effective policies, your BYOD program is likely to fail.

Prioritise security

Security is the number one thing to consider when creating a BYOD policy. With employees using their own devices, you need to make sure that security measures are in place and that they include everything from passwords on files, encryption for data transmission (like email) and anti-virus software updates. You should also have a plan in case of theft, loss or damage to devices.

Think of the bigger picture

Another thing to remember about BYOD policies is how they actually affect business operations overall. The goal should be functionality over cost-savings since it might turn out more expensive if productivity goes down due to slow internet connections or lack of support from IT teams who aren’t familiar with individual device programs. You also need to make sure the BYOD policy doesn’t conflict with other company policies like dress codes or file sharing.

Empower employees

Another important thing to consider when creating a successful BYOD program is to give employees the ability to opt out if they’re uncomfortable using their own devices for work. This can be because of financial reasons (such as needing an upgrade), privacy concerns (like having personal information on hard drives) and even moral objections (not wanting your data in someone else’s hands). 

If opting out isn’t possible, you should at least keep track of why employees choose not to participate. This could help improve future programs when possible. Keep in mind that you are working on BYOD policies to empower your staff, making sure they stay focused, productive and engaged.

For a BYOD policy to be successful, it needs to have certain characteristics. If you want your employees to use their own devices for work purposes, then make sure that the following are incorporated into your company’s policy: 

  1. Employees should always keep personal and business data separate from one another.
  2. Ensure that all personally-owned devices used for business purposes meet the necessary security requirements.
  3. Provide an inventory of approved apps or software before allowing any employee access to them on a device they own. 

Take time to do some thorough research and planning before implementing any policies so that everyone is on board with it from the beginning. It can be difficult enough keeping up with existing technology in an office environment without adding more variables into the mix. 

Are you considering adopting a BYOD policy at work? We want to know how you plan on doing it. Our team would be happy to help with your concerns. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us should you have questions on how BYO mobile plans can help your business.