When you started your personal training career you might have thought about investing in exercise professional insurance. There are three major types of insurance for personal trainers that they can consider for their safety and protection of career, business and future.

In this article we will be telling you what exactly is exercise professional insurance. We will also be telling you about three different types of insurance that you might consider for yourself.

Fitness insurance is a type of safety net that protects you in unlikely and unpredictable situations, a claim against you, or if someone alleges that you have done something wrong. In other words it’s a type of risk management where you can be protected from all the financial responsibility for a potential loss. It is also a useful tool as it provides you peace of mind and lets you perform the best without any type of negative repercussions.

Types of insurances

Understanding each of the insurance types will help you make a wise choice. There are three types of insurance that you should precisely look out for when searching for a perfect insurance policy that will cover all your liability insurance bases.

●      Professional liability insurance

It is a type of personal trainer insurance that targets protection related to your services, career and actions. Many times this type of insurance is called malpractice insurance because it specifically protects one from things related to the service directly.

Professional liability insurance covers negligence or any claims related to it that might have been caused due to your services directly. In other words it covers claims that clients have filed against you on the basis of suffering from an injury, negligence by your actions, damage etc.

●      General liability insurance

It’s a basic slip and fall insurance that protects one from the general claims and causes. The fact that general liability insurance is referred to as slip and fall makes it quite common amongst fitness insurance companies.

Insurance covers damages and injuries that were not directly caused by your services or advice but happened in relation to you. So, unlike professional liability insurance, this insurance does not cover anything related to your direct actions. Instead it covers issues, claims and allegations that are brought up against you in relation to your business and services.

Example a client walks into your gym and doesn’t notice rugs that are placed at the entrance. Now in this case there are chances that the client falls off due to the rug and invites severe damage to himself . In such cases the client generally says that it is the gym owner’s fault. But everyone knows it was not you who made the client fall. So the type of liability insurance that can cover you here from paying out the claim and the cost associated with it is general liability insurance.

●      Product liability insurance

This type of insurance will provide you with a complete coverage from clients having a reaction to the advice or product given by you. Product liability insurance offers a type of guarantee on a product that  was given by you to the client. It covers you in the situation when  your product malfunctions or causes damage to the third party. Insurance doesn’t always save you when blues equipment. Such insurance helps and protect you in situations where you do not want to get stuck dealing with the brunt of financial expenses and association with a lawsuit.

Guild Insurance for personal trainers that can save you from all the harm against you or your career. If you are still unsure about shopping for the right personal training insurance for you then go and find some big names in the liability insurance industry and take their advice. Remember t is an insurance that can save you, your career, your finances, and your future.