Setting up festive décor can be very engaging while being a great way to pique your mind! While I was raised to restrict Christmas décor to confines of some colors, patterns, and designs, I had to grow out of it. Now, I am telling you that you can make your home livelier than it has ever been this Christmas.

All I do every Yuletide is to explore with my decorations. You also shouldn’t hold back!

However, I don’t go as far as building the Great Wall through my home. I simply make slight alterations such as adding a little bit of green around my home. Sometimes, I line the edges of my dining table cloth with some knotted green. As always, the wreath on the door takes its place. And I would never forget to have the Christmas tree.

Amazing your guests shouldn’t take all the effort in the world. But in preparing to do so, always keep the Christmas lights and Christmas at the forefront of all plans. Planning for these things has saved me a lot of inconvenience in the last couple of years.

How I like my Christmas tree to look…

A lot of people desire perfection in everything. And by extension, they want their Christmas tree to be super-symmetrical. I would say that while you may want to go all out for the best brightly lit and colorful tree; you can break the rules too. Just so you know, there are no rules except the ones you know. So, make yours, c’mon.

You can start by creating a different color pattern than the common ones. You can either glare up your tree with some bright blue, orange, and purple. Or tone it down with some gray ornaments. Be sure to consider the interior of your house, though.

How do I make my lights scream Christmas?

Pulling some string at Christmas also involves pulling and making magic with your Christmas lights I have a peculiar knack for thinking up colors from October, so I can create a homely atmosphere in my home. And guess what, my guests love it.

One thing I never forget (and that you also shouldn’t) is a tree topper. It is the best way to summarize your entire work on the tree. If you love buildings, you can put a glittery skyscraper on them. If your kids love stars, then put up a huge bright star and a galaxy of it all around. But also be sure to evenly distribute their weights- so your tree won’t fall!

Can I DIY my Decorations?

Why not? It is Christmas. And for Christ’s sake, you’re free to express yourself in the way you deem fit. Sometimes, I also suffer from the fear of not getting things right when designing. But like I mentioned earlier, humans make the rules, so only humans can break them. Adding some homemade touch to your decoration will make it unique and add more originality to your home.

I feel more achieved when I go into my attic, pick my toolbox, and get working around some crazy idea that I might have written down months ago. No one can make your Christmas perfect as you would- so get to work. You could call some friends to help you too…

What Christmas tree should I go for?

As I would always say- humans make all the rules about surrounding festive décor (and many other things). So, you should not always gun for perfection. If you can’t afford some natural trees, then go for the artificial ones. All you need to do is to get one with a strong base that would keep it sturdy and straight. You can also spice things up with your distinct color scheme. Go for crazy or dull colors- you are the boss here!

Your tree doesn’t have to look like it came straight out of a Disney movie. While you may not like to hear this, it is the truth. Roll up your sleeve and pique your brains. It will amaze you that you can make some reindeer horns out of broken branches. Finally, Christmas is a time to be happy. So, don’t tense yourself up. Fall in love with your décor. Speak some good about it and your efforts to get it done. I promise you will get awesome reviews!