Depression is seldom associated with children. Adults do not think children have anything to be sad about, and thus, they might ignore the signs of depression in children. 

Undiagnosed depression can take a great toll on the child. Since their knowledge is limited, they might not be able to make sense of the emotions they are experiencing. 

Alongside causing severe mental stress and blues, depression also leads to problems with physical health, including miscellaneous aches and pains around the body, meriting then the intervention of a Pediatrician in Lahore

It is thus incumbent on the parents and caregivers to understand the signs of depression. 

Signs of depression in children to look out for 

Mood problems 

Depression causes mood problems. Children tend to be more irritable and angrier when depressed. Moreover, depression also causes mood swings, which can be very disconcerting for the ones experiencing it. 

Changes in sleep 

Children who are depressed also experience changes in their sleep pattern. They might sleep too much or too little. Either case is not good for health, leading to problems in the long and the short term. 

Changes in diet

Depression causes dietary changes in children as well. They might turn to food for solace, overeating as a result. Or they might stop eating altogether. These then also have an impact on their weight and health otherwise as well. 

Problems at school 

Since children spend a significant amount of their time at school, therefore, depression can cause their academic life to suffer. As it can lead to poor concentration and memory problems, children might have to work harder at school. 

Due to their blues, they might have a changed outlook at school. They might not enjoy it as they did previously.  

Feeling sad

The salient feature of depression is chronic sadness. It feels as there are only blues in life. The disposition becomes negative, and life becomes devoid of any hope. 

Low energy levels 

Children tend to be more active than adults. So, the lack of energy and constant lethargy in children on account of depression is more noticeable. Depression causes them to feel tired all the time. 

Loss of pleasure 

Depression causes children to lose pleasure in the activities they once enjoyed. Nothing gives them joy and they might also then more reclusive.  


Depression causes children to have a poor opinion of themselves. They have feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, and guilt. 

Reduced social interaction 

Children who are depressed also do not interact with others as well with as they did before. They feel tired with life, and any social activity takes further toll on them. 


In more severe cases of depression, children may also end up harming themselves. They might resort to cutting, taking medication and in worst-case, attempt suicide. 

Helping children with depression

If you notice the signs of depression in children and get an expert diagnosis, there are somethings that you should be doing to help them through the journey of battling depression. 

Keep a check on their health 

Try to keep a tab on their health and ask after them so they know they have support. But at the same time, give them space so they do not become irritated. 

Give them time alone with their therapist

Your child might not be comfortable discussing what is bothering them in front of you. So, give them space to discuss their issues with their doctor. 

Normalize mental health problems 

Just as we get flu and fever, so can we get depressed. Mental health issues are nothing to be embarrassed about. Therefore, normalize having mental health problems to your child so they do not feel odd about having depression. Otherwise, they might become even sadder about their ailment, affecting their prognosis further. 

Keeping in contact with an expert 

It is pertinent that you keep in contact with the mental health expert via An expert can guide in making your home environment conducive to healing.