PPC management is a tricky business. You need to keep your ad budget under control, yet at the same time, you want to ensure that you’re acquiring new customers and getting a decent return on investment. The good news is that PPC marketing can help you with both of these goals at once!

Wondering how? A professional PPC management services agency can assist you. 

This article will focus on what PPC management is and how professional services can help. We’ll also answer the most pressing question that many businesses and entrepreneurs have: Is it worth investing in PPC management?

Let’s start with the basics! 

What is PPC Advertising?

  • PPC stands for pay-per-click, which means that you bid on keywords that are relevant to your product or service.
  • PPC advertising aims to get your ad in front of as many people as possible, so you can reach them at the most profitable times. 
  • PPC Advertising involves placing ads on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo with the intent of driving people to your website from the search engines.
  • When someone clicks on your ad and visits your site, you’ll get charged for that click by Google or any other platform where you’re running your PPC Campaign. 
  • With the correct PPC marketing strategy developed by a reputed digital marketing company California, you can enjoy a higher conversion rate than you would have if you were simply using organic search traffic without paying for it. 
  • This means that you can increase sales and profits by spending less money on advertising and more money on customer acquisition costs.

The flow of a PPC campaign

PPC is one of the most efficient ways to reach potential customers and increase sales. 

Managing a PPC Campaign typically involves the following workflow:

  • Analyzing your business goals, KPIs and ad spend.
  • Creating a PPC campaign strategy based on your goals.
  • Development and maintenance of your campaign.
  • Strategic analysis of competitors’ campaigns.
  • Optimization of search terms, landing pages, and ads.
  • Campaign monitoring, optimization, reporting, and analysis.

We’ll discuss each of these PPC components in detail. But first, let’s understand when or who should use PPC management services. 

When Should You Use PPC Management Services?

PPC management services help you optimize your campaigns and make sure that you hit the right keywords. They will also help you analyze how much money you’re spending, so you can make adjustments to improve your results.

You should also look into a professional PPC and digital marketing company California

services if:

  • You want to increase traffic from search engines. 
  • You want to increase conversions on landing pages. 
  • You want to improve customer engagement via email campaigns or social media posts. 
  • You want to target specific countries, industries, or demographics using advanced targeting strategies such as remarketing lists or location extensions.
  • You want to promote a new product or service that requires some research before its launch date by using social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • You want to promote a time-sensitive offer. 
  • You are new to online advertising. 

What Do Professional PPC Management Services Typically Offer?

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Analysis is an important component of AdWords. It helps you optimize your ad copy for the search terms with the highest potential for conversion.

A professional PPC management services agency can help you with the following: 

  • Identifying the most effective keywords and search queries (entered by potential leads for your business) for your ad campaigns. 
  • Optimizing those keywords for increased performance.
  • Removing low-performing ads from campaigns.

Selecting The Medium For PPC Advertising

There are different platforms for PPC advertising. Your hired PPC and digital marketing company California can help you choose the right platform. 

  • Google AdWords is the most popular platform for PPC advertising. It allows advertisers to bid on keywords and keyword combinations to appear in the results of Google search queries. You can utilize several ad formats, such as text ads, video ads, and image ads.
  • Bing Ads offers advertisers the ability to bid on search terms or keyword combinations as well as bidding on specific placements within the search results page (SERP) on Bing.
  • Affiliate networks allow publishers to earn commission by directing traffic from their own sites to other sites ( such as your online store or product page) through links on their site or via banners placed on relevant sites. The commission is paid out when someone clicks on a banner ad placed by the publisher’s site.
  • Paid social media placements are also popular among advertisers looking to target prospects online via social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring and reporting are critical for a PPC campaign because it provides insight into what is working and what isn’t. 

In addition, it will help you make adjustments to your campaigns as needed. 

The following are some metrics that can be measured for a successful PPC campaign:

  • Clicks Per Day: How many people (on average) are clicking on your ad each day over a period of time (e.g.30 or 60 days)?  
  • Conversion rate: How many times did users convert as a result of your ad?
  • Cost per conversion: What did it cost to get that conversion?
  • Revenue generated by ads: How much money did you make from your ads?
  • Clicks-to-conversions ratio: How many clicks did it take for each conversion?

Ensure your PPC management services provide these metrics for better evaluation of your campaign. 

Competitor Analysis 

The fundamental purpose of competitor analysis is to determine the current and future strategies that competitors are using to target your customers. 

  • By examining the keywords and landing pages used by your competitors, you can determine where you need to direct your ad spend and what additional keywords and landing pages you should include in your ads.
  • You can learn from their mistakes, drawbacks, and successes to improve your own performance.
  • With insightful competitor analysis, you can also explore untapped opportunities and come up with new concepts. 

Wrapping Up

PPC management is essential to driving success with PPC. An effective PPC strategy can generate leads and revenue for your business. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by PPC advertising management, partner with the PPC management company to streamline your marketing approach.