PE-22-28 is a study peptide that is being investigated for its ability to enhance memory, mood, and learning. It is not meant to be consumed by humans. The good news is that it may one day be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and to aid in the rehabilitation of stroke victims.

What exactly is PE-22-28?

Alzheimer’s disease, along with heart disease and cancer, is the third largest cause of mortality in the United States. At this time, there is no known cure for the condition.

The medication PE-22-28 belongs to a new class of Alzheimer’s disease therapies. In comparison to medications which have been available for a long time, it has been proved to be superior. 

Studies of PE-22-28

Memory problems and cognitive impairment are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, which is characterized by an accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in the brain. Many experts are focusing on discovering a treatment as more and more individuals are afflicted with the condition.

Over half a million Americans now suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and this figure is only going to climb.

An Alzheimer’s patient will lose their memory, thoughts, conduct, and personal features as a result. Those above the age of 65 make up the bulk of those suffering from the condition. Alzheimer’s disease may be diagnosed at any age. Improvements in medical science have made it possible to diagnose the illness before it manifests itself in the body. Neuropathologists, for example, examine tissue samples under a microscope to get a precise diagnosis.

Many different approaches are being pursued in research.

Pharmaceutical Research: The majority of Alzheimer’s treatments are designed to prevent the development of amyloid protein. Anti-amyloid protein medicines may be used to prevent amyloid proteins from sticking together and creating plaques. The amyloid proteins cause harm to brain cells and impede with the processes of the central nervous system.


These are a novel kind of medicine that is currently being investigated. Rather than dealing with current amyloid proteins, scientists are developing antibodies (synthetic proteins meant to recognize and destroy viruses and bacteria) that are specific to the numerous forms of amyloid proteins that have been discovered.

The antibodies are administered using injections that are injected directly into the bloodstream. They will behave in a substance manner by attaching a tag on the amyloid protein and directing them to the brain, where they will be killed.

Genome Therapy (Gene Therapy)

Gene therapy is a third option for treating Alzheimer’s disease. The purpose of this sort of therapy is to produce modifications in the genes that allow the brain to continue to function normally.

A total of nine Alzheimer’s disease medication studies are being funded by the National Institute on Aging, which is a component of the National Institutes of Health.

Even though the trials were planned to be finished in 2013, it might take up to three more years for the findings to be published. If a medicine is effective, it has the potential to benefit many individuals.

Currently, the majority of Alzheimer’s disease therapies are geared at either decreasing the advancement of the illness or maintaining the mental capacities of patients. If you are a researcher who is interested in further studying the treatments for this condition, you can find PE-22-28 peptide online, for research purposes only. bpc157 is also a research peptide being studied for its wound healing and regenerative effects, a naturally occurring peptide found in human stomach juices, read on.