With the change in seasons, you might be thinking about gardening. Now, whether you wish to revive your hobby, give it a new start, or are looking for some new ideas to spruce up your yard this year, we’ve got your back. With these 10 hacks for flower gardening, you can make your garden look attractive like ever before.

You get a brilliant garden bursting with colors by mixing a little dirt, seeds, and love. You will feel like you are in a vibrant field of flowers, where everything is perfect. You can always get beautiful flowers and plants from https://flowercompany.ca/collections/plants but if you want to experience the same for yourself, try out these tricks and grow delightful flowers in your garden.

Self-watering wine bottle hack

If you want to save money and water, try this self-watering wine bottle hack. To utilize this hack, all you need is a glass bottle (an empty wine or liquor bottle would do), dirt from your garden, rocks, and a couple of gravel.

First, put the rocks in the bottom of the bottle for drainage. Then fill it with your garden’s dirt and make sure there is about an inch of space between the dirt and the top of the bottle. Finally, take a few inches of gravel to cover up any little holes that might be in your soil, so you have even watering throughout.

Cinnamon powder to prevent seedling diseases

If you are having trouble with seedling conditions, you can try the powder form of cinnamon. Mix the two in equal parts, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle for convenient application. Once it’s mixed, simply use it like any other plant spray and apply it on the leaves and stems of your seedlings. You will see results almost immediately!

Use coffee filters in the flower pot

Coffee Filters are a great way to help with drainage in your flower pot. They keep the soil in place and also prevent drainage holes from clogging. Coffee filters also work as a divider if you have multiple plants growing together, and they come in various colours.

You can put them as it is or cut them into squares, put some dirt on top of it, then plant your seedlings/flowers. The coffee filters also come in handy when transferring plants into new pots.

Add crushed eggshells for healthier flowers

Let science help you in your gardening. Crushing eggshells and mixing them with your soil is a great way to add calcium. Calcium helps the plant grow strong roots, which in turn help support large flowers.

Many people don’t know that too much nitrogen can damage plants (especially young seedlings), so adding some crushed eggshells will prevent this from happening. They are also effective in preventing your plants from pests like snails and slugs.

Pour vinegar on weeds to kill them

If you want to get rid of weeds but don’t want the hassle of using a chemical spray, there is another option! White vinegar has been known for its weed-killing properties, and it’s easy on your plants.

Simply pour equal parts white vinegar and water into a spray bottle. Coat your unwanted weeds with this mixture every few days until they die. Not only does this save a lot of unnecessary work, but it will kill and prevent them from growing.

Divide your bulbs in half for more flowers

Want to double the flowers in your garden? Try this trick! Instead of planting bulbs in one giant clump, separate them into two different bunches (if they are large enough) before planting. It will give you twice as many flowers, and it’s a small change with significant results. You can do this for about any bulb, from tulips and Irises to lilies and daffodils.

Use honey to propagate cuttings

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to propagate your plant cuttings is using honey. All you need for this hack is a jar of honey and some water. First, fill up half of the container with water, then add as much honey as desired (the more you use, the better)

Place your cuttings into the mixture and let them sit for a couple of days. Within that time, you should see some roots start to grow. Once your cutting has developed strong roots, plant it in dirt and water frequently until established.

Try Epsom salt when transplanting your seedlings

While transplanting your seedlings, you may have noticed that they start wilting. It’s because their roots are very delicate when transplanted, so you need to take precautions before doing so.

One great way of preventing this from happening is by adding Epsom salt into the dirt where you are planting your seedling. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate and helps seedlings absorb essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and bloom into beautiful flowers.

Use zip or twist ties to control climbing flowers

Don’t know how to control your climbing flowers? Try using zip or twist ties! It is a great way to train vines where you want them to grow without hurting the plant itself. All you have to do is loop one end of the tie around the vine and then secure it to a nearby structure like a railing or fence or another piece of wire that’s attached on either side of the vine.

The wire will stay in place until the climbing flower can support itself, which should only take a couple of weeks!

Check Soil pH at home

One of the most important gardening exercises is monitoring your soil’s pH. Knowing what it is will help you determine which type of fertilizer or amendments will lead to optimal growth. To check the pH at home, you need some baking soda and white vinegar.

Just mix a tablespoon of each with a couple of cups of water, then pour this mixture into the soil. If it fizzes, your pH is too acidic. So make some calcium-rich amendments to help balance things out.


The above hacks will help you get started on your new flower garden. Just try them out, and you’ll find that they are remarkably efficient, cost-effective, easy to apply, and perfect for beginners. You’ve taken the essential step, and that is the start. Now enjoy your gardening endeavours. Happy planting!