Irs continues to be continuously combating id theft, and today they’re delivering identity verification letters to taxpayers to verify their identity. However, not every taxpayers are qualified and could receive identity verification letters.

IRS transmits the verification letter after receiving paper/filed or e-filed tax statements and before processing the refund. It’s the measure to avoid id theft and appearance the authenticity from the citizen while strengthening the government internal controls.

The identity verification website of IRS com provides the easiest, fastest method to complete the verification process for taxpayers within the U . s . States.

What’s the IRS Verification Letter?

Suppose Irs or IRS suspects the name around the e-file or paper-file is probably the consequence of id theft. For the reason that situation, the government will be sending a verification letter towards the citizen, also it is called 5071C letter.

The verification letter would be to inform the citizen within the U . s . Claims that IRS has gotten a taxes file using the taxpayer’s name and Ssn. IRS believes it’s not the initial citizen.

The citizen must connect to the IRS verification website com and finish the steps to effectively verify their identity and ensure when they have been filed the tax. You will find number of questions that just original taxpayers can answerer. However, it’s the efficient method to verify the identity from the citizen.

How you can Adhere to the Verification?

Around the verification website, there’s two new ways to verify the identity of taxpayers.

•           Online – By going to the web site of verification website

•           Offline – Calling in the toll-free number on the verification letter

Taxpayers using the 5071C letter must connect to the verification system and send the letter via US mail service.

What Questions are Requested at com?

The Identity verification website asks a couple of a quick question which just the original citizen can answer. Here is their email list of questions which are requested around the identity verification website.

•           Last year’s taxes details

•           Present year’s taxes

•           The supporting schedules and forms

•           Personal account number

•           The mobile number associated with your company name

What Goes On After Verification?

While you complete answering the questions effectively and verified that you’re the initial person behind the e-file or paper-file of taxes, the taxes will get processed effectively next. After effective verification at com, it requires around 5-6 days to accomplish the taxes.

The taxes can get rejected, and additional analysis will begin, if:

•           The verification does not read the identity from the filer

•           The verification process is incomplete

So, it’s important to reply to the questions requested throughout the verification tactic to steer clear of the auto-rejection from the taxes file.


As a result of the increasing tax-related id theft, IRS has began an innovative plan to identify and ensure the identity from the original taxpayers. All taxpayers who received the verification letter must visit com to ensure their identity and process the taxes effectively.

Taxpayers could use the internet system to process it faster as phone callers could get delayed due to growing calls towards the IRS services. Maybe you have used the help to verify identity? Please share your experience of the comment section.