The trend of incorporating video content as a part of the marketing strategy is gaining traction across all kinds of businesses, big or small. 

Businesses are increasingly using video content to advertise their products or services, boost customer engagement, and expand their reach on social media. When done right, it can give you a potent lead over your competition. 

This article will help you find out how video production can be a helpful addition to your marketing strategy. Read on as we provide key insights into the many ways video production can aid your business.

The power of visuals

Video content reigns supreme in today’s age, where the audience is surrounded by the likes of YouTube, Instagram stories, live streams, webinars etc. Did you know that around 93% of human interaction occurs via visual content? 

We watch different kinds of videos daily, and most information transmitted to our brains is visual. While infographics and pictures can aid in boosting engagement, videos go even beyond and can be significantly helpful in leading to conversions. 

The phenomenon of video content has become so widespread that more than 100 million internet users are watching videos daily. If you post videos on sites like YouTube or Vimeo and add call-to-action text to your video, you can drive the traffic from the video to your site to generate leads and conversions.

Get great ROI

Video production, when done right, offers a great return on investment. If you are a small business or have just started, you may have apprehensions about the costs incurred in creating video content. However, you have various options in this regard. Agency Media offers you quality video content solutions that are not only specific to your brand and cater to your customer needs but offers cost-effective solutions that provide a great return on investment.

Build your credibility

Content marketing builds consumer trust and creates a long-term relationship with the customer. Your credibility is hence the foundation of lead conversions and sales. When people consider you a reliable brand, you only need to provide them with useful and engaging information, and they will come to you.

Video content can do all of that. You can engage your target audience, ignite their emotions more effectively and even establish their trust via video content. Customers are often skeptical about purchasing products or services online as they suspect fraudulent activities. However, effective video production can help present your products in a way that gives customers the confidence they need to purchase from you.

Enable customers to understand your products better

If you are launching a new service or product, video content can be the most helpful in communicating with your customers. You can easily show how the product or service works via visual depiction and help your audience develop a better understanding. Research shows that most individuals find demonstration or explainer videos very helpful, particularly if the product or service has a few associated technicalities. 

It is also a major reason why many businesses now like to put an introduction video on their home page as a part of marketing. At the same time, some marketers also opt for animated videos to explain a challenging concept. These videos help explain in a way text or regular videos cannot while keeping the audience engaged. If done right, these videos are a perfect example of entertainment and simplicity at their best.

Boost your ranking on Google

Google loves videos. When we search for a certain product or service, the initial research on Google has videos. Hence you are more likely to show up on the first page of Google if you have inserted a video on your site. 

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, since YouTube is also owned by Google, videos now significantly affect search engine rankings. Secondly, when you watch a video, you are most likely spending more time on a certain site. So, if you have a video on your site, visitors will spend more time here watching your video content. This longer exposure reflects customer trust and site credibility, which search engines pick as quality content and automatically put your page at the top of the SERP.

However, the key here is to ensure your video production is optimized for SEO. Keywords also play an important role here, so incorporate the relevant ones in your description. Working with the right agency will ensure that your video is optimized with interesting titles and descriptions. Your video will also offer a backlink to your website, encouraging customers to take the next step and possibly increasing conversions. 

Enhance your visibility among mobile users

The great thing about videos is you can watch them on the go. It is difficult to focus on lengthy texts, and pictorial descriptions can only describe as much. Since people prefer to watch videos on the go, it has increased the popularity of platforms like Facebook and YouTube. 

In the past few years, mobile video consumption has increased manifold. This trend has made video content an essential marketing tool for mobile users who won’t be influenced otherwise by mere texts or images. 

Increase your click-through-rate

Lives have become very busy, and people are usually unwilling to spend time on what does not interest them or add value to their lives. So, it has become harder for businesses to get to customers via email.

However, if you put a video in the subject, there is a high probability of people clicking the email out of curiosity, which may increase your click-through rate by quite a margin. Since we have already established that people prefer videos over any other media, you can use this to your advantage. So, if you strategically incorporate video within your email strategy, you can engage your audience, keep them informed and even persuade them.

Start video production today

Video production can take many forms. You can invest in digital ads to incorporate into your Instagram reels or stories or make commercials to enhance your brand awareness on bigger mediums. Other forms of content, including sales materials and corporate overviews designed to address a specific audience, are also included.

Whatever your video production requirements may be, Agency Media can help enhance the value of your brand and convey your message the way you require. Agency Media employs a data-driven strategy to create content that gets the message across, keeps the audience engaged, and helps businesses accomplish their marketing strategy goals. So, if you want to make potential customers or clients aware of your brand and highlight the aspects that differentiate you from the rest of your competition, contact us today to avail our video production services.