Today’s fast-paced world can make managing a lifestyle not only demanding but also taxing. In these times, people tend to overlook crucial things such as security. Many GPS trackers have entered today’s market for various purposes like tracking their fleet, cars, children, or pets. Tracking assets like cars, owners should use a hidden GPS tracker. These trackers kill two birds with one stone – they easily locate the vehicle and are discreet at the same time. 

Personal GPS trackers and Car GPS trackers are generally used to locate and recover lost/stolen vehicles because of the rising risk of car thefts and other vehicle misuses. 

Benefits of Hidden GPS trackers

 There are many benefits of using a Hidden GPS trackers.

  • Tracking Your Vehicle’s Location – In case your vehicle stands the risk of being stolen, GPS trackers give you the advantage of finding the exact location of your asset. A hidden GPS tracker keeps the thief from noticing they are getting tracked. 
  • Monitoring Driving Habits – GPS trackers give you data about your vehicle’s usage. In addition to location, GPS trackers can record data like direction, speed, and fuel consumption. 
  • Gives You Peace Of Mind – A huge benefit of installing a GPS tracker is peace of mind. No one can reasonably expect to keep an eye on their car. Even with a 24/7 camera, you can’t tell if it’s stolen.
  • Other Benefits – Some other benefits are knowing when your car gets towed, access to old records, and getting emergency help.

Best hidden GPS trackers are accurate, compact, portable, and have a built-in magnet or come with a magnetic case. After knowing the benefits, it is  natural for you to think about buying one for yourself. If that is the case then you can check out this specially curated list of best hidden GPS trackers for cars by Family1st.

Best Places To Hide A GPS Tracker 

If you have questions regarding the best places to install a hidden GPS tracker, then keep reading – this blog is just for you! For the sake of minimizing risk and potential hazards, it is better to use a tracker covertly, not exposing it to the outside world. Here, we explain the best places to hide your GPS tracker without outside assistance. 

  • Under Carpets – Hiding trackers under carpets or between seats is a good idea. Usually, people don’t check these places when they sit in a vehicle, so this is almost a foolproof solution. It’s best to attach trackers to things that remain undiscarded. You can get creative and install one inside the space above the car’s wheel. As car GPS trackers are magnetic, they can easily be attached to the outside of the vehicle. 
  • Under The Dashboard – Attaching the GPS tracker underneath the dashboard can serve multiple purposes. Firstly, the tracker will remain hidden, making it less likely to be discarded. Secondly, a portable tracker can get a better signal from the satellite from under the dashboard. Lastly, this position keeps the tracker safe from natural elements and keeps it in good condition. These factors ensure that the tracker will function seamlessly. 
  • Under The Driver / Passenger Seat – Locations like compartments and sun visors aren’t great because they are easily visible. The fortunate truth is that most people hardly look under their seats, which makes it a great hiding spot. You’ll have to remove the vehicle’s seat and then put it back after installing a hidden GPS tracker under it. If you wish to be more discreet, you can sew it up. Explore the best place to hide your GPS tracker – it can be on the sides as well! Some vehicles have a patch in their seat cover (on the side). Attaching your GPS tracker here makes it difficult to find. 
  • Attached Under The Car – Another great place to install a tracker is underneath the car. GPS tracking devices placed here can pick up signals that reflect off the ground. The hidden GPS tracker can receive satellite signals under the vehicle effortlessly. The GPS can give accurate and real-time data from this position. However, if you like this place, it is better to look for a device with a built-in magnet or another magnet case. And one that is waterproof! Magnets facilitate quick fixation of the device to metal surfaces. A waterproof tracker can protect the device from a tiny or large pit of water. 
  • Front / Rear Bumper – It is probably difficult for a person to suppose that an automobile tracker is attached to the front or rear bumper. The GPS tracker nestles beneath the tangled wires, temperature, light, and more, making it one of the quality locations to cover the tracker. Although, for this installation to be successful, you might need the help of a mechanic. The rear bumper additionally has wires, and again, it is simple to hide a tracker here. The hidden GPS tracker would be tough to discover in this position. Though this is a great place to hide a GPS tracker, it is best to check if the tracker can pick up the signals from there. 

Some other places that you can use to hide GPS trackers are – the diagnostic connector under the steering wheel, the trunk of the car, and the glove compartment.


There are plenty of places inside or outside a vehicle where you can hide a GPS tracker. A key element here is to think about where someone might look for it, how fast you can get to it if you need to retrieve it to download the data of your GPS data logger, and other considerations such as battery life and weather exposure. 

If you’re worried about the legal aspects that come into the picture with installing a GPS tracker – you can scroll know more about the GPS Laws of Different States! Here are someof the key facts for the same – 

  • As a vehicle owner, you can monitor the vehicle’s location 24 hours a day by attaching a GPS tracker.
  • GPS trackers are not subject to such rigid laws in the US. Different state constitutions mention GPS trackers in different ways.
  • If you know the person, own the vehicle, or have a warrant issued by a court, you have authority over them. 

Using a GPS tracker is legal if any of the above is true. Also, you do not have to worry about such laws – choose to install a reliable GPS tracker. If you are suspicious of someone stalking you, head to this blog on ways to find a GPS tracker on your car.