Summer is here, and while it’s something most of us look forward to, the warm weather can lead to considerable spikes in your energy bills. However, lowering the indoor temperature just to the right spot doesn’t have to make you sweat. While there are several measures that can result in energy efficiency, we’ve listed down simple tips that can help you cut down a nice chunk of cost in your energy bills.

  1. Setting AC on a Schedule

If you aren’t using your AC properly, your energy bills are very likely to take a big hit. It might seem obvious that maintaining a constant temperature throughout the day might help, but raising and lowering the temperature will help you save a lot of money. Most of the times people tend to keep the AC on all throughout the night, but it creates a big difference if you lower the temperature during the day and turn the AC down to maintain the regulated temperature. Scheduling the AC as per your schedule will not only let you enjoy cool air when you need it, but also substantially lower your electricity bills

  • Ceiling Fans Coming in Handy

Speaking on maintaining the regulated temperature, ceiling fans do an excellent job when it comes to circulating air. Also, ceiling fans are capable of lowering the temperature by up to 4 degrees. If the weather permits, you can even eliminate using AC by circulating the air using a ceiling fan once the AC cools down the indoor air.

  • Using a Programmable Thermostat

Having to manually adjust the thermostat can be a pain at times, especially when you come to an already hot room. This is where a programmable thermostat proves to be a very efficient tool. Depending on the occupancy and cooling needs, the thermostat can be programmed that can maintain a comfortable temperature while ensure energy efficiency. Programmable thermostats can lower the electricity bills by up to 25%.

  • Using ENERGY STAR Appliances

The ENERGY STAR is a program developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that scores the products on the scale from 1 to 100 depending on how the product meets the energy efficiency guidelines set by the US EPA. Using an AC that has the ENERGY STAR label on it will ensure the AC is using 15% less energy than models that are not certified.

  • Monitoring Sunlight

Windows not only decorate your home but can also help with energy savings. Careful selection of window treatments can prevent your home from heating up from direct sunlight. There are mainly 2 for window treatments –

  • Blinds, when closed over a window can cut down the heat gain by up to 40%.
  • Drapes, when closed over a window can prevent heat gain by up to 33%.

Apart from window treatments, you can also block direct sunlight by planting potted trees or large shrubs.

  • Switch to LEDs

Most of us are well aware of the benefits that LEDs offer. When compared to incandescent bulbs, LED offers 3 types of savings –

  • While LED bulbs are more expensive that incandescent bulbs when upfront cost is being considered, but they last 15 to 25 times longer.
  • Since they last longer than other bulbs, LEDs also come with savings from having to replace other types of bulbs.
  • LEDs emit a lot less heat than other bulbs, which helps in achieving energy savings required for the AC.

Author’s Bio

Michael Tobias, PE, is the principal and founder of NY Engineers. He leads a team of over 50 MEP/FP engineers. Although New York Engineers main headquarters are in NYC, the business has led over 1,000 engineering projects in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Florida, Maryland, and California, as well as Malaysia and Singapore. Michael is an advocate for green technology and energy efficiency, and approaches engineering as a vehicle to raise the quality of life.