Want to create animations that stand out and get users engaged for your mobile apps? Look no further, we have the best solution for you. Try out SVGator’s app animation creator to find out how to create animations for mobile apps and export your animations with React Native or Flutter in only a few minutes.

Here are some of the basic design tips you must consider before getting started with creating animations for your mobile apps.

Mobile Animations in the Real World

Nowadays we use different types of animations to interact with app users. 2D animation 3D animation is the current go-to solution for achieving significant user engagement in the real world. The animations you’ll create for your mobile apps must not only look good but be functional as well.

So why are responsive animations the best solution for your mobile apps? Think about it: the user interface is one of the key features that attract users to your app. However, mobile users often find it difficult to see your interface when they are in a cramped environment like a car or in a mobile device with a poor screen size.

To overcome this, you need to make your interface mobile-friendly. For example, you can use InDesign to apply transitions that will scale your interface automatically.

According to Google, 33% of web traffic is driven by a mobile device. So don’t ignore the mobile market! If you’re not planning on making the user interface responsive, it’s better that you don’t make animations for mobile in the first place.

What are the Different Types of In-app Animations?

Animation can be very simple or complex. Just like how the lines on a screen can be made to appear curved, even complex shapes can be created.

Curved lines can be created with shadows, folds, or parallax. You could also make the screen appear to blink or make it look like it’s pulsating or vibrating.

Almost any animation can be enhanced with some type of parallax or vertical stretching. For example, an animation may appear to be moving downward when hovering over the text to show movement.

Before animation begins, think about the interface’s structure.

Check to see if the animation will be a fixed on-screen structure or will be dynamic. If you want to create animated animations that work for both fixed and dynamic screens, you’ll want to create the “animation interface” first. This is just like the mobile screens you will be targeting. It must have enough room to display text, images, or other UI elements.

Once you have created the animation interface, you will want to decide on a theme for the animation. For example, different apps have different themes and so can your animations.

Of course, the most important thing to think about when designing animations is the final result. The problem with videos and GIFs is that they take a long time to load. A user could easily abandon your application if they do not want to wait for the animation to finish. You need to consider how your animations will appear to the user and this will help you plan out your final look and feel.

So, let’s take a look at how a few of the most popular animations can be used.

Looping Animations

Looping animations are the most popular type of animated UI element on the web. Many animations are created using this method, including GIFs, YouTube videos, and Tumblr icons.

You will most likely use loops in your React Native app for the introduction, the middle, or the end of your UI.

Animate Clock Animations

One of the most simple animations, animated clock animations are the ones that show time updating on a digital clock. To animate clock animations,

For an animation to work, the animation manager must be called before the animation starts. The animation manager defines all of the animations that will be used.

Calc Class Animations

Calc is a mobile calculator app that makes extensive use of animations in its user interface. They are a great example of animating the default widgets and icons of an app.

Flip Class Animations

Flip animations are fun to use because they are really simple to create and they feel good. If you want to create a playful animation with fun interactions, then you can create one with flipClassAnimations.


The era of touch-enabled interfaces has arrived. With the ability to browse through web pages and applications using a touch-enabled device, it is important to consider how your interface will work on touch screens and how these interfaces will support touch devices.

By using animation to enhance the user experience and by making the interface look good, you will be able to keep users coming back to your application.