We have come a long way from radio to the internet, and the meaning of “Love at first sight” has completely changed. Now, it is all about swiping and scrolling to find the right match. All thanks to the intriguing dating mobile apps that are making it easier and fun for people to find their perfect match no matter where they are. Tinder dating app development tops the list and will continue to do so. 

As per research, the online dating app development process reached around $3.5 billion in 2021, and the figure is expected to rise to a great extent in the coming time. So, simply stepping into dating app development isn’t enough. Still, one should consult a leading dating app development company where professionals should be well-versed with technicalities and possess in-depth knowledge of the dating industry. Besides this, many businesses keep on wondering, “How to develop a dating app like Tinder?” To help them, we have curated this short guide.

So, let’s get started…

Step-By-Step Process to Develop A Dating App Like Tinder

Go through the following step-by-step process to turn your dating mobile app development idea into reality.

Stage 1 – Find Your Niche

Finding the right niche is the very first stage of developing a dating app like Tinder. While there are several dating apps available, there are chances that your dating app outshine them. For that, you need to be niche-specific and think of some unique dating app development software.

Stage 2 – Choose A Business Model

Popular online dating apps use different business models for earning money. One of the most demanded ones is premium business models. 

Premium Business Model

A basic dating app comes up with very simple and basic features, but if you wish to add some advanced features, you need to go for the basic version. A premium dating app model comes up with the following features. 

• Boosting profile

• Advanced swipe

• Unlimited likes

• Ads

• In-app purchases

Stage 3 – Pick the Right Tech Stack

Next, pick the tech stack that powers up your dating app and brings in high profit & ROI. Coming to the tech stack of Tinder app, previously it was based on MongoDB database, but later on, they shifted to the more powerful Amazon web services hosting. In the same way, you have to pick the tech stack for your online dating app. 

Stage 4 – Consult A Dating App Development Team

Once your app idea, niche, and tech stack are finalized, next you need to choose the right mobile app development company in the USA or any other, so that you can remain assured of getting a successful dating app like Tinder. 

Stage 5 – Get Started

Once you hire mobile app developers or have finalized a dating app development company, the next step is to get started with your Tinder-like dating app development process. Keep on coordinating with the team, and this will help you get a mobile app adhering to your business needs and demands.

This is the step-by-step process to create a dating app like Tinder. But, simply developing a mobile app doesn’t make any sense until and unless it contains the desired features and functionalities. 

Key Features of A Dating App Like Tinder

1. Sign In/Sign Up

This is one of the basic features to begin interaction with online dating app development software. To help users start quickly, include a simple sign-in or sign-up feature.

2. User Profile

The user profile allows the app users to showcase or flaunt themselves. So, ask the professionals to include interesting features while seeking dating app development services. 

3. Geolocation

This is one of the core features of a dating app that allows users to search for their perfect match nearby.

4. Swiping

This feature acts as a dating card for most dating apps. Sometimes, people often mix up with left and right swipe, so you can simplify the process by adding a ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ feature. 

5. Notifications

Notifications are one of the important features to keep the users engaged and help them keep updated about the ongoing things. 

These are some of the basic features that all dating-app developers include while developing an application. Besides this, if you need to make your app more advanced, include the following additional features. 

Advanced Features of Online Dating App Development

• Profile verification

• Personality testing

• Profile-filling suggestions

• Live video

• Events

• AI-chatbots

The success of an application is dependent on certain factors, and the app’s features are one of them. So, do not neglect the features while availing dating mobile app development services. The more features you will include, the higher will be the cost.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop A Dating App Like Tinder?

Generally, the cost of dating on-demand apps depend on the features and the application itself. Still, the average cost of dating app development range around $6,000 to $10,000. The cost also fluctuates as per the hiring model that you are choosing for mobile app development. There are three hiring models – Full-time, part-time, or hourly basis. You can pick any of them, and the dating app development company will let you know the exact cost of developing a dating app like Tinder.

Wrapping Up…

Stepping into dating app development is one of the profitable business ideas in today’s competitive market due to the increased demand for an online dating app like Tinder. So, if you are also planning to create a similar dating app, consider the following points and ask the cost to develop a custom dating app before making your decision. 

As the demand for such applications is increasing fast, the number of organizations offering dating app development services is also great. So, to get a successful app, consult a leading dating website development company where experienced professionals work. This will help you remain assured of both app’s success and increased business profit.