It’s only summer when you can breathe in the scent of blooming flowers and plants from a hammock in the garden. Or do you prefer to start your day on your green balcony with a fresh cup of coffee? Whatever your favorite outdoor moment is, you prefer to surround yourself with plant species that bloom throughout the summer. Especially annual summer flowers in Denmark are known for their endless flowering time. These flowers are called ‘’friske blomster’’ or ‘’fødselsdags blomster’’ So you can still enjoy summer in October. How nice is that?


Regularly remove the spent flowers. This way the plant does not put its energy into making seeds, but into new flower buds. Use the garden flowers for a beautiful bouquet, for example.

If a plant has finished flowering, cut it back a little. A second flowering often follows.

Especially annual summer flowers bloom better if the plant is fertilized from time to time. For this you can mix liquid plant food into the water and water your plants with it.

If you are more of a one-trick pony type, you can buy special food cones which you insert into the soil near the plant.

Can you already see yourself enjoying this season? For inspiration, we have selected five summer-flowering annuals and five perennials and shrubs for you that will bloom all summer long.


1. Mandevilla, a climbing plant with white, pink and red flowers that can continue to bloom even into autumn.

2. Petunia is an ideal plant for pots and containers. To brighten up hanging gardens, use a Petunia variety with a hanging habit. 

3. Geranium, for a real party on your patio or balcony choose the geranium in different shades together.

4. Cosmea is beautiful in the open ground and has a beautiful leaf. You will enjoy this flower all summer long. Both in the garden and in the vase, because the Cosmea is a beauty for the house.

5. Busy groin, flowers tirelessly throughout the summer in beautiful, bright hues. This continuous-flowering plant does not even need to be in full sun.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter

Flowering perennials from early spring to late autumn. Even in winter. You can. All you have to do is choose a clever combination of flowering garden plants. From early bloomers to late bloomers to winter bloomers. In this way, you can assure yourself of year-round garden enjoyment.

Beautiful spring-flowering perennials are primrose (Primula) and lungwort (Pulmonaria). Many perennials bloom in summer, such as seaweed (Astrantia) and flame flowers (Phlox). Among the summer bloomers are also true persistent plants. For example, iris (Verbena bonariensis) and gourd (Gaura lindheimeri) continue to flower well into the autumn. Typical autumn bloomers are autumn aster and autumn anemone. And there are even perennials that bloom in winter, such as Christmas rose (Helleborus).

Ground cover plants in bloom

Weed-suppressing ground covers are often used in low-maintenance gardens. Would you like (many) flowers in your garden? No problem. There are plenty of perennials that cover the ground and flowers. Periwinkle (Vinca) is the best known, but also considered a fairy flower (Epimedium), creeping zen green (Ajuga reptans) and stork broom (Geranium).

Flowering garden plants for butterflies

Flowering perennials will do butterflies a big favor. Autumn aster, cardinal’s bulb and royal herb are perennials that attract butterflies and other beautiful or useful insects.