You’ll probably spend more than a thousand hours brushing your teeth in your lifetime. So why not get a quality brush to make the most of that time?

The ideal toothbrush for you will feel comfortable in your hand, be able to reach all of your mouth’s corners, and remove plaque from your teeth properly and safely. eco friendly electric toothbrush.

The following six guidelines will help you choose the ideal toothbrush for your mouth.

  • Find The ADA Seal.

A product that has the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval is both secure and efficient. The certainty that the toothbrush will live up to its claims is worth paying a little bit more for items with the ADA seal than for those that do not.

  • Choose A Brush With Soft Bristles.

While using a toothbrush with rough bristles may seem pleasurable, doing so might actually harm the gums and teeth because of how abrasive they are. This makes choosing a soft-bristled brush the ideal option. Without creating any collateral damage, it will handle the cleaning.

  • Customize The Toothbrush Head To Your Mouth.

Some people have wider mouths than others do. Therefore, it makes sense to choose a toothbrush head size that fits you properly. For instance, choosing a smaller head can be a smart option if you have trouble getting to the nooks and crannies towards the rear of your mouth.

Also take into account the contour of the skull; some are more broad, while others are more tapered. There is no right or wrong option here; what counts is that it feels well in your mouth and has enough reach to the outermost margins of your molars.

Think About The Grip.

Similar to head size and shape, there are numerous alternatives available for toothbrush handles in terms of shape, heft, and other factors. Again, there is no right or wrong answer; you should simply choose the option that feels the most comfortable in your palm. For instance, you might find it easier to grip a handle that is thicker if you have mobility issues; if you have small hands, you might prefer a handle that is narrower. Before making a purchase, don’t be hesitant to test out a few different toothbrush handles.

  • Consult Your Dentist If You’re Unsure.

Don’t hesitate to contact your dentist if you still feel overwhelmed every time you go toothbrush shopping. They’ll be able to offer advice on the size and form of toothbrushes that are ideal for your mouth.

Whatever toothbrush you decide on, make sure to swap it out (or the head, if you’re using an electric one) at least every three months, or as soon as the bristles begin to appear dull, matted, frayed, or otherwise worn. After a sickness, make sure to buy a new brush (or brush head).