Are you a business owner who is looking into digital marketing but has no idea where to start? Perhaps you’re not sure who to outsource it to because the whole thing just seems too big and complicated? No worries! You’re not alone — and E-Traffic is here to help. 

E-Traffic is a renowned digital marketing company in Australia. We help our clients choose companies that will deliver results because marketing can break or make a business. Despite our professionalism and expertise, we let you make the choice. Here are 6 vital things to ask yourself when narrowing down your choices:

1). Are They Using Current Methods?

The digital world changes more often than you can imagine, and digital marketing methods are not an exception. These change constantly too. You should therefore consider engaging a digital marketing company that is up to speed with current trends. 

To know whether a company is up to date, you have to be familiar with what is trending. This way, you can ask questions to gauge where a company is. Some trends include voice search, chatbots, personalisation and so much more! Get to know a little bit of what is happening especially with the platforms that you intend to use.

2). Do They Use the Methods They Advocate For?

Knowing how well a digital company will do your job is quite easy. First of all, do they practice what they preach? If they do, is it working? 

A good example is they should have at least one active social media handle. You can also google the company and see how well they are ranked according to the optimisation of their metadata. It’s important to see the agency you choose is practising what it preaches.

3). Are They All-rounded? 

How many digital marketing tools do they use? A well-rounded company is more likely to bring positive results to your company compared to a company that deals with just one or two types of marketing tools. 

That said, a good company should offer a variety of quality digital marketing services. This will give you a wider range to choose from depending on your clientele.

4). Are They Easy To Get in Touch With? 

Digital marketing is a real-time affair. We, therefore, recommend that you pick a digital marketing company that you can get in touch with easily. 

Their contacts should be easily accessible to potential clients and their website should be easy to navigate and search. Calling them should just be a click away.

5). Do They Make Reasonable Promises? 

All that glitters is not gold, and huge promises with no likelihood of being fulfilled are worthless. In this regard, pay attention to the claims made by a digital marketing business.

You can conduct your investigation to determine whether some of the claims they make are really feasible. Always remember to think twice when an offer seems too good to be true!

6). How Is Their Reputation?

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews! Reputation is among the most important factors to consider. You should not choose a company that has a bad image in the eyes of previous consumers. 

Take a look at reviews that previous customers left so you can see what you are getting yourself into. Additionally, be wary of a company if you can’t get reviews on their website.

E-traffic: The Team That Meets All Your Expectations

Finding a company to take over your company’s digital marketing is no simple task. You need a company that can strive for excellence while meeting your marketing objectives. 

You also need a company that fits your budget. For all these and more, contact us – we get the job done. Evaluate us with these 6 questions and you’ll find that we can exceed your expectations!

To learn how you can use digital marketing to your advantage, please call us at ETRAFFIC today at 1300 887 151 or book a free strategy session below.