A shocking murder case took place in the quiet Ohio town of Bellaire. It revealed a web of secrets, love and betrayal. Brad McGarry’s death was initially thought to be a burglary gone awry, but it revealed a tragic tale of a forbidden relationship and friendship that ended with murder. This case that gripped the entire community is a poignant example of the complexity of human relationships, and the devastating effects of hidden truths.

Brad McGarry: Who Was He?

Brad McGarry, 43, was a coal-miner in Bellaire. Brad McGarry was a kindhearted person who was known to be actively involved in his community. He enjoyed a good reputation in Bellaire, but he faced many challenges throughout his life.

What happened to Brad McGarry?

The scene that the authorities were presented with at Brad McGarry’s home on May 24, 2017, was a disturbing one. His body lay in his basement and initially, they suspected a burglary attempt. However, as investigations continued, it became clear that this scene had been preplanned, its motives much more complex than originally assumed.

How did Brad McGarry die?

Brad McGarry was killed by two gunshots in the head, from a person he deeply trusted. This made the act even more shocking and heartless. Initial appearances indicated a possible theft; however, upon closer examination the crime turned out to be carefully orchestrated to cover its true motivations and objectives.

Cause of Death – A Story of Love and Betrayal

David Kinney was revealed as the culprit. Brad McGarry’s best friend. Kinney, who was married, desperately tried to hide his secret relationship with McGarry. Kinney was a married man who struggled to choose between his affair with McGarry or his marriage. McGarry, who was deeply in love with Kinney, pushed him to leave his wife. Kinney was trapped in a dual life and chose violence as a way to end his affair.

David Kinney was arrested on May 9, 2023. This case came to a disappointing end. The evidence suggested that the murder was planned and executed. Kinney’s claim of self defense failed to convince.

The Story that Resonates

The Brad McGarry case is more than a simple story of crime and punishment. The case touches on deeper social issues, such as the difficulties faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly in conservative communities and the dangers of living a dual life. Kinney’s desperate efforts to hide his sexuality and his relationship with McGarry speaks volumes about the social pressures that can lead to tragic outcomes.

This case will be detailed in a future Dateline NBC show, which promises to provide more insight into the personal struggles of this family and the societal challenges that led to this tragic event. The episode scheduled for October 26, 2023 will shed light on this complex case and remind us of the painful intersection between personal truths and societal expectations.

Brad McGarry’s murder is not only an example of a criminal case, but also a story about betrayal, love and the forces that often influence our decisions. This story is a sad reminder that people will go to any lengths to conceal the truth, even if it leads to tragic outcomes. Watching this story on national television will prompt reflections about love, friendship and living lies.


  1. Brad McGarry: Who Was He?
    • Brad McGarry, a 43-year old man from Bellaire in Ohio, worked as a miner and was known for his kindness.
  2. What happened to Brad McGarry?
    • David Kinney, Brad McGarry’s best friend, shot him twice in the head.
  3. What was the motive for Brad McGarry’s murder?
    • David Kinney, who was the victim’s lover, tried to hide their relationship.
  4. When was Brad McGarry found dead?
    • McGarry was found dead in Bellaire in Ohio in the basement of McGarry’s home on May 17, 2017.
  5. What was the initial cause of Brad McGarry’s death?
    • The initial suspicion was that the crime was the result of a botched break-in, but a deeper investigation revealed the real motive.