Central Texas was left with an enormous void following the death of Allison Dickson, a woman who embodied resilience, selflessness, and determination. Allison Dickson was known for her philanthropic efforts and indomitable spirit, but her story goes deeper. She shaped the lives of many people and left a legacy for future generations.

Allison’s Early Years

Allison Dickson’s journey has been nothing less than miraculous. Doctors predicted that Allison Dickson would live only a year after being diagnosed with Werdnig–Hoffman muscular Dystrophy when she was 15 months old. Allison has defied all expectations and thrived well into her forties. Allison’s mantra for her life “don’t want easy, but just possible” beautifully captures her unwavering spirit.

Making Waves: Central Texas Philanthropy and beyond

Central Texas and Temple in particular witnessed Allison’s generosity first-hand. Allison’s life mission was to give back. She spearheaded efforts to beautify McLane’s Children’s hospital with a new wall mural and initiated toy drives for the young patients. Her charitable efforts were not limited to the hospital. She raised money for scholarships because she was always willing to help those who were in need.

A Beacon For Temple High

Allison’s relationship with Temple High School is a deeply personal one. She was not only a passionate supporter of the football team but also played an important role in its staff and students’ lives. Scott Stewart, the Temple High School football head coach, aptly described her as “woven into this community”. Allison was not just a spectator. She actively mentored players and hosted team dinners. Stewart refers to her fondly as “Coach Dickson”, emphasizing the profound impact she had on the team.

Her commitment was also evident in the tangible changes she made at Temple High. Her dedication was exemplified by the installation of a wheelchair ramp at the front entrance of the school. Allison, like many of her peers, used the school’s back entrance. Allison’s effort and the support of family and friends made this dream a reality even before she graduated high school.

Community Recognition and Honors

Allison’s influence was not lost on prominent figures. Beto O’Rourke visited Allison during his 2022 campaign for governor, recognizing her dedication and unwavering spirit. These instances highlight the wider recognition and respect that she has received, not only within her community, but also from those outside.

Baylor University School of Law Honoring an Alumna

Allison, who graduated from Baylor University School of Law in 2007, has been mourned by the school. More than her academic accomplishments, the institution remembered Allison for her “tremendous gritty, tenacious working ethic, electric personality and passion for service to others.”

Remembering Allison

Allison’s impact is beautifully summarized by Lacey Wagoner: “She accomplished more in the time she spent on Earth than many of us achieve in two times the time.” Allison teaches us to appreciate every moment, and the importance of perseverance, commitment, resilience, and love. Her journey gives us hope, as it teaches us to appreciate every moment.

Allison Dickson has left us not only an inspiring legacy of overcoming hardship, but also of touching lives, inspirating change, and being a source of inspiration for all of us.


  1. Who was Allison Dickson?
    • Allison Dickson, a Baylor Law School grad, was an inspirational Central Texas figure, philanthropist and a Baylor Law School grad.
  2. Allison Dickson suffered from what?
    • Allison was diagnosed at 15 months with Werdnig–Hoffman muscular Dystrophy.
  3. What is the expected life expectancy of Allison Dickson after her diagnosis?
    • Doctors predicted that she would only live a year after her diagnosis.
  4. What was Allison Dickson’s life motto?
    • Her motto was: “Don’t need easy. Just possible.”
  5. Allison Dickson left behind any charitable legacies.
    • She did make significant contributions to McLane Hospital for Children and Temple High School.