If you own a building in New South Wales, you need to comply with the fire safety regulations set by the state government. One of the most important requirements is to obtain an AFSS certification for your building every year. But what is an AFSS certification and how can you achieve it? In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about this essential document and how to get it without any hassle.

What is an AFSS certification?

An AFSS certification, or Annual Fire Safety Statement, is a document that confirms that all the fire safety measures in your building have been inspected, tested and verified by an accredited practitioner (fire safety). These measures include fire alarms, sprinklers, extinguishers, emergency lighting, exit signs and more. The annual fire safety certificate also confirms that the exit systems in your building comply with Australian standards according to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021.

Why do you need an AFSS certification?

An AFSS certification is not only a legal obligation for building owners, but also a way to ensure the safety of your occupants, visitors and property. By having an AFSS certification, you can demonstrate that your building meets the minimum standards of fire protection and prevention. This can also help you avoid fines, penalties and legal actions from the authorities or insurance companies in case of a fire incident.

How can you achieve an AFSS certification?

To achieve an AFSS certification, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the fire safety measures that apply to your building. You can find them in the fire safety schedule that was issued when your building was constructed or renovated.
  2. Hire an accredited practitioner (fire safety) who is qualified to assess and inspect each fire safety measure. You can find a list of accredited practitioners on the Fire Protection Association Australia website.
  3. Arrange for the accredited practitioner (fire safety) to visit your building and conduct a thorough inspection of all the fire safety measures. They will also check if the exit systems are in accordance with the regulation.
  4. Obtain a fire safety certificate from the accredited practitioner (fire safety) that verifies the performance of each fire safety measure.
  5. Submit the fire safety certificate and the AFSS certification form to your local council within 12 months of the date of the previous AFSS certification.
  6. Display a copy of the AFSS certification in a prominent location in your building.

What are some tips to achieve an AFSS certification easily?

Here are some tips to help you achieve an AFSS certification without any trouble:

  • Keep a record of all the maintenance and testing activities for your fire safety measures. This will help you prove that they are functioning properly and avoid any disputes with the accredited practitioner (fire safety).
  • Schedule your inspection well in advance and avoid peak periods such as holidays or weekends. This will ensure that you have enough time to prepare your building and fix any issues before the inspection.
  • Follow the recommendations of the accredited practitioner (fire safety) and implement any necessary changes or improvements to your fire safety measures. This will help you pass the inspection and obtain your AFSS certification faster.
  • Review your fire safety schedule regularly and update it if there are any changes to your building or its use. This will ensure that you have the correct fire safety measures for your building and avoid any non-compliance issues.


An AFSS certification is a vital document for any building owner in New South Wales. It shows that your building has adequate fire safety measures and exit systems that can protect your occupants, visitors and property from fire hazards. To achieve an AFSS certification, you need to hire an accredited practitioner (fire safety) who can inspect and verify each fire safety measure in your building. You also need to submit the fire safety certificate and the AFSS certification form to your local council every year.

If you need help with achieving an AFSS certification for your building, contact us today. We are a professional fire protection company that can provide you with expert advice, quality service and reliable solutions for all your fire safety needs.