If you are a support worker looking to work for registered NDIS or National Disability Insurance Scheme Providers, then you must take the online course of NDIS Orientational Module. It is a mandatory training course for all providers. The NDIS Orientation Module is a tool that is free and provides information regarding disabilities, NDIS, and how families can understand the working of NDIS. Keep reading for more information on the NDIS orientation module.

Who is the NDIS module for?

The NDIS orientation module is accessible to everyone but it is specially designed for people with disabilities, their families, and service providers. It is an online, web-based tool that anyone can use by just clicking once. 

As a service provider, completing the NDIS orientation module is mandatory. Several registered NDIS providers employ NDIS support workers but all of them are required to take all four sub-modules of the course. 

What Are The Four Sub-Modules And What Do They Include?

There are Four submodules have been updated to provide workers with the latest information and tips. These include 

  1. Worker Orientation Module- NDIS ‘Quality, Safety And You.”
  2. Supporting Effective Communication 
  3. Supporting Safe And Enjoyable Meals
  4. New Worker- NDIS Induction Module

It takes a total of 90 minutes to skim through all four submodules. 

The four submodules basically offer education on what NDIS is and why is it needed. It helps you understand people with disabilities in detail and how to give them the support that can help their condition. Additionally, it gives a detailed understanding of the roles and responsibilities of NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissions. You will also be briefed on a support worker’s responsibilities and duties according to the NDIS code of conduct. 

The module includes many scenarios and questions regarding how you would respond to develop a sense of responsibility and awareness. This helps give a better idea of what you, as a worker, will be doing when you sign up. 

How To Sign Up As A Worker?

The signing up process is all online for the ease of new users. There are simple steps to sign up and access the NDIS orientational module. Click the official link here at https://training.ndiscommission.gov.au/login/signup.php?

  1. Click on the link. 
  2. Select NDIS Orientation Module under the available course option. 
  3. Select the modules 
    1. Module 1; understanding NDIS
    2. Module 2; The NDIS Quality And Safeguard Commission 
    3. Module 3; The NDIS Code Of Conduct: The Position
    4. Module 4; The NDIS And Also You: Delivering Quality Services
  4. Begin with course components. 
  5. You’ll have to attempt them one at a time. 
  6. After every component, a recap of “what we spoken about” will be presented to revise concepts.
  7. After every component, a recap of “what we spoken about” will be presented to revise concepts.
  8. Once all submodules are carried out, you’ll be a Completion Certificate is going to be emailed to for your provided current email address. 

Whatever the NDIS provider you go searching for these steps are incorporated within the induction process.